Author Topic: Creating cheat sheets  (Read 3631 times)

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Offline dimi

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Creating cheat sheets
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:36:53 am »

I'm learning a lot the last time but it's getting too much to remember all the commands. I made a how to for myself for the install of arch and configuring, but for the commands of for eg airmon or iw i would like to create a cheat sheet.

I've learned many commands but have it heard to remember.

[Things I have tried]
Install cribr in Arch with wine. Was no success. Installed cribr in Windows, doesn't look good.

I've been looking for alternatives but I don't trust all the online options (some of them force you to publish your cheat sheet).

Latex is named as an option on several internet website, but it seems to have a steep learning curve. As I'm now finally learning other things, I would like to learn Latex as a last thing.

[Where I am stuck]

How do you guys remember all those different commands? I know man exists but knowing the commands is much faster.

What or how do you guys keep track off all your know commands?

I'm not talking about installing or configuring things, I have a how to for this, but about the commands like iw, airmon, knowing you should change /etc/resolv.conf for NS, etc..

I don't have a problem with sharing my finally created cheat sheet, but as I'm very beginning I don't know you could use it  :)

Offline TheWormKill

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Re: Creating cheat sheets
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2016, 11:38:48 am »
I personally don't see a problem here, but apparently you do, and as this is one of the less idiotic threads, I'll answer:

You don't have to know everything. Common stuff gets into your head pretty fast if you use it often. The rest... well use it more often and it will fall into category 1. For instance, read a bit about DNS and get to know the internals of your box by experimenting etc. (a VM might be a good idea here as well).

As of notekeeping... I use plaintext files written in markdown (look it up) and some custom tools to work with them, but any setup with plain text works fine (develop one yourself maybe?).

Hope that clears up the situation.
Stuff I did: How to think like a superuser, Iridium

He should make that "Haskell"
<m0rph-is-gay> fuck you thewormkill you python coding mother fucker

Offline proxx

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Re: Creating cheat sheets
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2016, 07:05:40 pm »

I'm learning a lot the last time but it's getting too much to remember all the commands. I made a how to for myself for the install of arch and configuring, but for the commands of for eg airmon or iw i would like to create a cheat sheet.

I've learned many commands but have it heard to remember.

[Things I have tried]
Install cribr in Arch with wine. Was no success. Installed cribr in Windows, doesn't look good.

I've been looking for alternatives but I don't trust all the online options (some of them force you to publish your cheat sheet).

Latex is named as an option on several internet website, but it seems to have a steep learning curve. As I'm now finally learning other things, I would like to learn Latex as a last thing.

[Where I am stuck]

How do you guys remember all those different commands? I know man exists but knowing the commands is much faster.

What or how do you guys keep track off all your know commands?

I'm not talking about installing or configuring things, I have a how to for this, but about the commands like iw, airmon, knowing you should change /etc/resolv.conf for NS, etc..

I don't have a problem with sharing my finally created cheat sheet, but as I'm very beginning I don't know you could use it  :)

I don't see them as commands. every tasks requires a different tool and thats the way I like to think about it.
Even after years I find myself using help and man quite often.
Also most commands have a very sensible name and so do the options which is pretty consistent  the result is that you can use the same flags for many different tools, the  '-v'  makes a good example.
Autocompletion is something you have to hammer into your brain, use tab  for everything , if it doesnt do anything make sure you hit frequently and with increasing force, you shall complete! I am making it sound like a joke but I am serious , I see many newbies typing  , I get tired by even looking at it.
That said, ZSH is my main shell and it makes life a whole lot easier , eventhough I think beginners should learn BASH first ZSH adds some extra dimensions, for example scrolling with tab over items is a great feature.
If it works for you do make a cheatsheet but I would encourage you to learn by doing and seeing the logic behind seemingly random letters and commands.
Also those commands you posted show me that you wanna jump to the fancy shit before learning to walk , start with file operations / networking / service mgmt etc.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 07:11:44 pm by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline dimi

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Re: Creating cheat sheets
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 11:10:57 am »
I personally don't see a problem here, but apparently you do, and as this is one of the less idiotic threads, I'll answer:

You don't have to know everything. Common stuff gets into your head pretty fast if you use it often. The rest... well use it more often and it will fall into category 1. For instance, read a bit about DNS and get to know the internals of your box by experimenting etc. (a VM might be a good idea here as well).

As of notekeeping... I use plaintext files written in markdown (look it up) and some custom tools to work with them, but any setup with plain text works fine (develop one yourself maybe?).

Hope that clears up the situation.

First, sorry for replying so late, i didn't have much free time lately.

Indeed, I find it usefull to have a cheat sheet or other document that helps me to find structure in the chaos. I make summarys all the time, but the cheat sheet is more approriate (cleaner) for commands, in my opinion.

You are right about the plaintext. I looked up the markdown language (wikipedia). It seems to be handy and have a sort of easy learning curve. I will give it a try one day.

You made me realize that old school documents may do the trick as wel instead of putting time in cheat sheets. This will give me time to learn things instead of making fancy cheats.

I don't see them as commands. every tasks requires a different tool and thats the way I like to think about it.
Even after years I find myself using help and man quite often.
Also most commands have a very sensible name and so do the options which is pretty consistent  the result is that you can use the same flags for many different tools, the  '-v'  makes a good example.
Autocompletion is something you have to hammer into your brain, use tab  for everything , if it doesnt do anything make sure you hit frequently and with increasing force, you shall complete! I am making it sound like a joke but I am serious , I see many newbies typing  , I get tired by even looking at it.
That said, ZSH is my main shell and it makes life a whole lot easier , eventhough I think beginners should learn BASH first ZSH adds some extra dimensions, for example scrolling with tab over items is a great feature.
If it works for you do make a cheatsheet but I would encourage you to learn by doing and seeing the logic behind seemingly random letters and commands.
Also those commands you posted show me that you wanna jump to the fancy shit before learning to walk , start with file operations / networking / service mgmt etc.

I also use the tab key very often, it speeds up my typing. The man pages are pretty unused by me. I use the wiki pages and online information that I found.
I do recognize I do monkey work that way and will not learn it by myself.

The common commands are known but the more specific ones are indeed more difficult to remember.

I already did about 6 times an install of arch (the monkey way, I admit). That way, I know almost now out of my head what I have to do.

It is tempting to go fast with all those tools installed. I finally was able to install blackarch on top of my existing arch. It is tempting then to quickly see what a program can do.

I intend to install a msata and new hd and will do a new install of arch. That time I won't install all the blackarch tools but just that one that I want to learn.

I now use terminator for my commands, ZSH seems to difficult for now.

I do read a lot, but it is difficult to remember, especially the commands.

Bottomline: I'm not gonna put time in the cheat sheet, I'm just gonna write it down in a basic document. And I'm gonna use the man command more often. I hope the monkey way will not be needed anymore. And I'm gonna learn one program /tool / goal at a time.

Thank you TheWormKill and proxxx

Offline mammon

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Re: Creating cheat sheets
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 04:43:12 pm »
I you still need a tool, I have found this one for creating cheatsheets:

I would also recommend the use of custom shell scripts for commands you happen to use frequently, but require many (usual common) lengthy arguments. I keep a hidden folder, i.e. .my_scripts, where i keep all my custom scripts. Don't forget to update your $PATH by appending something like this to your .(whichever_shell)_rc:

Code: [Select]
export PATH=$PATH:~/.my_scripts
Lastly, i use a lot of aliases. Bash definitely supports them, but i dont know about other shells.

I have also found these security related cheatsheets that use the cheat tool: which is a fork of

Their readme states:
These security cheatsheets are part of a project for the Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing course offered at the University of Florida. Expanding on the default set of cheatsheets, the purpose of these cheatsheets are to aid penetration testers/CTF participants/security enthusiasts in remembering commands that are useful, but not frequently used. Most of the tools that will be covered have been included in our class and are available in Kali Linux.

PS. I believe that the last two cheatsheets should be in a different thread, but i wanna avoid double posting. I leave it to the Mods to decide.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 04:55:48 pm by mammon »