
Hacking and Security => Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing => : hanorotu November 15, 2013, 03:21:02 PM

: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: hanorotu November 15, 2013, 03:21:02 PM

Along with Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, Max Payne, and UT2K4, this is another one of my favorite games that I grew up with.

You play an Uplink Agent who makes a living by performing jobs for major corporations. Your tasks involve hacking into rival computer systems, stealing research data, sabotaging other companies, laundering money, erasing evidence, or framing innocent people.

You use the money you earn to upgrade your computer systems, and to buy new software and tools. As your experience level increases you find more dangerous and profitable missions become available. You can speculate on a fully working stock market (and even influence its outcome). You can modify peoples academic or criminal records. You can divert money from bank transfers into your own accounts. You can even take part in the construction of the most deadly computer virus.

                          Uplink Ultimate Collection

                              General Information
Type.................: Game
Platform.............: Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP
Image Format.........: .iso .cue .bin

                               Post Information
Posted by............: Antilag

                                 Release Notes
Ok this Contains the uplink CD + Bonus Disc + gamebible 1,2,3 and Diary

Uplink 1.54 and 1.31 patches

and all decrypting tools i found for gamebible 2.

                                 Install Notes
Mount or Burn the iso/bin/cue, install the game install patch

the key is in key txt in misc folder.

DOWNLOAD: http://upload.evilzone.org/download.php?id=5377209&type=zip (http://upload.evilzone.org/download.php?id=5377209&type=zip)
: Re: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: geXXos November 15, 2013, 03:48:05 PM
Oh my God, Uplink!! What you just brought in my mind?, hours and hours of gaming, i do  not know how  it will sound, but after playing Uplink i fell in love with what we love.

Uplink and Street Hacker were imo the only  'true' 'hacker' games, especially Street-Hacker, also the Codelink V2, which is still alive, and similar to Uplink.

+1 for bringing the memories back, and another one when it will be uploaded.

: Re: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: hanorotu November 15, 2013, 04:14:31 PM
Link is up, btw it works flawlessly under wine
: Re: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: geXXos November 15, 2013, 05:03:40 PM
Nice, cookie delivered.
: Re: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: Kulverstukas November 15, 2013, 05:27:52 PM
Moved to our gaming board. And Uplink was the next game I was going to write a review about :P
Looks like I'll have to post about street hacker later...
: Re: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: bluechill November 15, 2013, 10:19:19 PM
Oh gawd no! Don't bring up my childhood of Uplink and my failed OLink attempt!

Uplink was *such* a good game.  I think I'll go play it now and then make a review on it if given enough time.
: Re: Uplink - Ultimate Collection
: hanorotu August 25, 2015, 05:33:35 AM
And hell yeah! This one is still here too! I love you guys.