
Community => General discussion => : noname1012 May 08, 2015, 03:23:52 PM

: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 08, 2015, 03:23:52 PM
does anyone have a mental illness hear ? also have you ever been to the psych ward?
: Re: Mental illness?
: Axon May 08, 2015, 05:06:42 PM
No. Nope, never had any serious mental problems.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Phage May 08, 2015, 08:50:53 PM
I've had a mild case of OCD and a minor depression.

I'm not sad I went through that though. It spiked my interested in neuroscience and that study helped me fight and prevent it from happening again.
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 08, 2015, 11:58:34 PM
I've had a mild case of OCD and a minor depression.

I'm not sad I went through that though. It spiked my interested in neuroscience and that study helped me fight and prevent it from happening again.
heres some documentation for you, read the brain that changes itself. good boo
: Re: Mental illness?
: Phage May 09, 2015, 01:25:09 AM
heres some documentation for you, read the brain that changes itself. good boo

It's noted down, thanks!
: Re: Mental illness?
: 0E 800 May 09, 2015, 02:00:29 AM
51.50  illegally-sane & antisocial personality disorder. 

Whatever that means.

: Re: Mental illness?
: hanorotu May 09, 2015, 05:02:06 AM
I can honestly say that I don't have any form of serious mental issues. I sometimes think that I may be slightly too ancy at times. Maybe some kind of partial anxiety. Don't know, doesn't affect me enough to care.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Freak May 09, 2015, 09:21:06 AM
I'm definitely one of the crazies. I've been diagnosed with depression and social anxiety, which can be pretty tough. I also used to hear voices for a while in high school and they were horribly mean and terrifying, but I've been so depressed lately that I kind of want them back so that everything isn't so flat and pointless. I'd rather be terrified than numb and emotionless.

I actually don't believe that mental illness is a real thing. Obviously I know that people can hear voices, have anxiety, depression, or whatever else that's out of their control, but I don't think that "ill" is a good description of that. I don't think it's a bad thing to hear voices, but I think it's a bad thing if they scare the shit out of you like mine did. There was a psychiatrist named Thomas Szasz who wrote a lot on this topic, and I like his position. He called this stuff "problems with living" instead of mental illness. Being depressed or having extra anxiety or anything like that doesn't make you ill, but it can be a problem with living that you experience.

I am currently on medications, but I want to get off of them. I don't think they do anything and I'm sick of paying for them. I also was never told that they drastically increase my risk of getting seizures, so that's pretty fucked up. I wonder what else they didn't tell me.

I've never been to a psych ward, and I'd probably do whatever I can not to go to one. I don't like that they can call me a danger to myself and effectively imprison me against my will. There was actually recently a woman who was imprisoned in a psych ward and sedated against her will for a week because she told her doctor "Obama follows me on Twitter" and he actually did, but nobody believed her.
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 09, 2015, 03:29:16 PM
I have these to issues freak:

just an fyi, not an easy life for me lol
: Re: Mental illness?
: Matriplex May 09, 2015, 03:58:21 PM
Mild insomnia and a minor depression when a 2 of my family members died along with a friend dying in a plane crash, all in one month.
: Re: Mental illness?
: white_noise May 09, 2015, 06:41:59 PM
I have Borderline Personality Disorder so I have quite regular depression
: Re: Mental illness?
: HTH May 09, 2015, 10:31:28 PM

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder)

Hows your relationship with your mother?

Ontopic: Autism, Depression, OCD, Insomnia, lots of other shit at different times.

Currently in my Stable frame of mind and have been for about a year now.
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 10, 2015, 01:26:33 AM
Better then before man, had lotsof depression issues, Never had any coping skills till i was taught about that.
since i have a mental illness its hard for me to show emotion, so i study basic emotions to show what im feeling to people. friends are helping me with that .
: Re: Mental illness?
: Freak May 10, 2015, 11:29:41 PM
I have these to issues freak:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder)

just an fyi, not an easy life for me lol

My position isn't meant to downplay the difficulties for people who have been told they're mentally ill. Like I said, I've been diagnosed with stuff myself. Battling thoughts of suicide is a daily struggle, and my anxiety can get so bad that I'm afraid to leave my room to get water if my roommates have company.

I won't deny the reality of fetal alcohol disorders. From what I understand, these are neurological disorders and issues with fetal development. That's different from just looking at certain people and saying "Your emotions are wrong! You must be ill." or any related statement.

As for schizophrenia, I don't think that's an illness. This is despite the fact that I've had relatives and close friends with the diagnosis. I don't think there's anything wrong with hearing voices, but if they're scary or disturbing then that's a problem. What's actually really interesting about this is that people with "schizophrenia" in Asian and African countries rarely have bad voices. It's strangely unique to America and Europe to have mean or scary ones. With delusions, I think it'd be hypocritical for anyone to say claim that your perceptions of reality are wrong while assuming that theirs are right.

You're free to disagree with me, I just want to make sure it's understood that even if I don't think there are mental "illnesses" I think it's equally shitty to live with this stuff.
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 11, 2015, 11:03:26 PM
Everyones free to there own opinion my friend :) but i understand.
: Re: Mental illness?
: pebcak May 12, 2015, 03:52:12 PM
does anyone have a mental illness hear ? also have you ever been to the psych ward?

What exactly do you want to know?
: Re: Mental illness?
: iiCE May 23, 2015, 09:37:29 AM
I too have some fucked up mental issues in my brain. Or I think so.

I had problems before with anxiety, schizophrenia and delusions. It all started with weed. Now, 5-6 years later I'm all good. I just had to live trough it all by myself. In one long period I had a girl and I could talk to her bout it, but she could not understand nor could I explain myself properly. That's the issue here, people will just label you mad, nuts or stuff. But that doesn't need to be a bad thing. You can think of it as a big obstacle you need to overcome. Maybe you have some superpowers? I think that you can only be sane if you realize that you have some issues. It's like your brain realizes that it has issues therefore it's rational? Logic?
You just need to be confident and have a great will power and say is my mental illness aka problem going to ruin me another moment? Is it going to ruin me another day? Am I going to be a slave to my problem till the rest of my life? Scream fuck the world, no, I am bigger and stronger that that. I will overcome my problems. I am aware that I have a problem, therefore I will explore it. I will hack my problem. I will see the patterns of my problem and I will cut the little fucker on the roots. And yes, that's what I did. And today I enjoy life in most of my situations, sometimes battling with depression or just laziness. Who knows, I know that I beated that social anxiety, paranoia and reality delusions. "Mind playin' tricks on me"
Still today I have some problems but it's a minor issue. I hacked 95% of my problem and I'm not afraid to say it. Yes I am a lunatic. I am a mad man. It's just my thing. It's my way of living and I'd wish I had more courage or balls to show my craziness to the world. In a positive way of course. As far as I know I'm glad that I had these 'problems' because they made me into the person I am.

Fellas, friends. I know that my stuff is like a tiny ant to someone's elephant but I think that nothing is impossible or everything is possible - you just need the proper mindset and realization to overcome your fears, problems... Nobody is going to help you, only you can help yourself. You're all alone in your mind. People are here and there for other stuff, like empathy, listening, caring and stuff. But only you can help yourself.

And one more thing, I hate when someone says I'm diagnosed with xyz. It's just another label that you save into your memory and every time you think oh I have this and that It's okay to feel this way. It's another labeling. Labeling your mind, putting your thoughts in prison. I'm not saying that It can't help but I'd say it battle it yourself before accepting defeat and going to see professional help. Not saying it's a bad thing but just my attitude is that you can fix things yourself. Aren't we hackers? Than hack yourself!
: Re: Mental illness?
: m0rph May 24, 2015, 07:25:26 PM
51.50  illegally-insane & antisocial personality disorder. 
I have also come to realize I have this condition. I don't even understand why they call it a personality disorder, they should recategorize it as a social advantage in the DSM.
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 24, 2015, 09:04:57 PM
Great post IICE , very upbrining, i highly appreicate it my friend, so ill tip off my hat to you and give u a cookie :) also sorry to hear morph :(
: Re: Mental illness?
: x0nic May 24, 2015, 09:41:46 PM
I have also come to realize I have this condition. I don't even understand why they call it a personality disorder, they should recategorize it as a social advantage in the DSM.
as an "advantage"? seriously, dafuq. You don't know a crap about APD or any mental illness; your trashtalk proves it. But yeah keep diagnosing yourself, lmao. I guess you kinda insult all those poor fuckers who are dealing with some actual problems

2topic: Respect for iiCE! You've won a tough struggle, keep it going bro, and take dem cookies
: Re: Mental illness?
: m0rph May 24, 2015, 10:00:52 PM
as an "advantage"? seriously, dafuq. You don't know a crap about APD or any mental illness; your trashtalk proves it. But yeah keep diagnosing yourself, lmao. I guess you kinda insult all those poor fuckers who are dealing with some actual problems
I think it is you who is finally starting to understand what Antisocial Personality Disorder is about. I know exactly what kind of person I am, and I do not have a problem with it.
I guess you kinda insult all those poor fuckers who are dealing with some actual problems
You understand my point exactly. Perhaps you should actually read the DSM-V, and understand the actual signs and symptoms of mental illnesses before blindly criticizing others. Whether you do, or don't, I don't care. It is suckers like you that are stuck in their own convictions that makes the world an easier place for people like myself, and OE 800.
: Re: Mental illness?
: x0nic May 24, 2015, 10:35:40 PM
I know exactly what kind of person I am, and I do not have a problem with it.
See? You don't have an illness, that's all I was talkin about.. In fact I only suggested to not compare some wannabe eccentric faggot behaviour with an actual disease- Thereby refering to mental illnesses in general, not your alleged anti-social bullshit

Perhaps you should actually read the DSM-V, and understand the actual signs and symptoms of mental illnesses before blindly criticizing others.
You copied my accusation, good job. Besides, if I had criticized you "blindly", I would not have considered to use the quote function. You, kid, are perfectly sane, and therefore should stfu

You understand my point exactly.
Whatever, but I doubt that you got mine.

Whether you do, or don't, I don't care. It is suckers like you that are stuck in their own convictions that makes the world an easier place for people like myself, and OE 800.
yeah you so cool and give no fucks and bla, you > me and bla. We will quit this here, you bore me
: Re: Mental illness?
: m0rph May 25, 2015, 06:13:11 AM
See? You don't have an illness, that's all I was talkin about.. In fact I only suggested to not compare some wannabe eccentric faggot behaviour with an actual disease- Thereby refering to mental illnesses in general, not your alleged anti-social bullshit
You're right, I don't have an illness. I have a personality disorder, and I don't have to prove anything to some random kid over the internet who has a history of raging at people without listing facts to back up his/her rants.
You copied my accusation, good job. Besides, if I had criticized you "blindly", I would not have considered to use the quote function. You, kid, are perfectly sane, and therefore should stfu
You have criticized blindly by not quoting anything from the DSM-V to prove that I do not have any issues. Your failure at reading comprehension astounds me and makes me assume you are not a native English speaker. Also, it is perfectly possible to be both completely sane, and have a blatant disregard for the rules of society and people's safety, while going out of your way to do it when it suits you.
Whatever, but I doubt that you got mine. yeah you so cool and give no fucks and bla, you > me and bla. We will quit this here, you bore me
I probably didn't get yours. I don't understand people in general. When in doubt, mimicry is the ultimate form of flattery. Nobody has to prove anything to you to get your approval, and certainly myself included. It is you who have decided to derail this thread. There are people here with actual illnesses that would like to talk about their issues, and you are here just causing up a shit storm with a widely revered member (me) over nothing...aside from your inability to read and comprehend. Thanks, come again for our crispy burnt Nigger McNuggets.
: Re: Mental illness?
: HTH May 25, 2015, 06:24:33 AM
Oye. I will bring out the ban hammer on one of you (Probably not the Doctor) if I have to.

Take it to PM, take it to the hotel room, idc, but discuss M0rph's personality somewhere that isn't here.

: Re: Mental illness?
: x0nic May 25, 2015, 02:23:54 PM
Oye. I will bring out the ban hammer on one of you (Probably not the Doctor) if I have to.

Take it to PM, take it to the hotel room, idc, but discuss M0rph's personality somewhere that isn't here.

Oh don't bother, I won't even read what this guy answered
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 May 26, 2015, 01:13:37 PM
Oye. I will bring out the ban hammer on one of you (Probably not the Doctor) if I have to.

Take it to PM, take it to the hotel room, idc, but discuss M0rph's personality somewhere that isn't here.


sorry hth didnt mean to start a shit storm, my bad bro :(
: Re: Mental illness?
: chris May 26, 2015, 01:22:53 PM
Oye. I will bring out the ban hammer on one of you (Probably not the Doctor) if I have to.

Take it to PM, take it to the hotel room, idc, but discuss M0rph's personality somewhere that isn't here.


Isn't this like.... the EXACT board where this shit is suppose to take place? I feel that m0rph's personality belongs in the "general discussions" board....

Btw m0rph.... I hate your personality..... #youSuck

: Re: Mental illness?
: x0nic May 26, 2015, 10:25:55 PM
Isn't this like.... the EXACT board where this shit is suppose to take place?
True, but I probably overused some insults xP I guess that was HTHs point, or simply his loyality to a mate, but whatever, case closed
: Re: Mental illness?
: Evil Is An Understatement June 02, 2015, 11:37:51 AM
First Psychiatrist diagnosed me Bipolar I.  Second Psychiatrist diagnosed me Bipolar II.  Third Psychiatrist diagnosed me Borderline Personality Disorder.  I'm Obsessive Compulsive and I'm now being told I have Schizophrenic tendencies!  Who the fuck knows :D 
: Re: Mental illness?
: HTH June 02, 2015, 09:50:45 PM
Isn't this like.... the EXACT board where this shit is suppose to take place? I feel that m0rph's personality belongs in the "general discussions" board....

Negative. Trolling is only supposed to be in certain boards that allow it and personal insults/attacks technically never have a place here. Lot's of people get away with both things(We're not here to coddle people + I've been guilty of calling someone mean things before too, especially in an argument) but I felt this particular topic had the capability to get WAY out hand VERY quickly so I decided to end that line of conversation between them.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Nortcele June 11, 2015, 03:45:10 PM
Yep, Manic Depression.

Been sectioned once due to self harm...
: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 June 12, 2015, 04:23:03 PM
Yep, Manic Depression.

Been sectioned once due to self harm...

that sucks bro, been there done that, but not to the point of being sectioned
: Re: Mental illness?
: evilhacker June 14, 2015, 01:26:33 AM
Nervous illness. I've been through a lot of stress for quite a long time which gave awful results. I easily get irritated and anxious from minor things.

If i smoke weed, I get panic attacks and feel like I am going to die, so I had to quit.
Drinking coffee also makes me nervous and anxious, had to quit that too.
Hangovers also make me anxious.

Some time ago I listened to Claire Weekes' tapes (http://www.amazon.com/Hope-Help-Nerves-Claire-Weekes/dp/0451167228) and At Last a Life by Paul David (http://www.amazon.com/At-Last-Life-Paul-David/dp/0956948103)
They sure helped but did not manage to cure me completely.

Anxiety and panic attacks used to be with me pretty much 24/7 until i read those helpful books and tapes. Fortunately, now it is only being caused by the things mentioned above.

I just know it's a mental problem. If you get yourself occupied, distracted and not think about it, the anxiety goes away.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Raymond_Yvon_Herbert June 18, 2015, 12:06:12 AM
I was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome five years ago. I was thirteen and committed some pretty serious crime and it pushed my father to get a diagnoses. [He wished to minimize the fallout.] It hasn't changed my life much, except maybe now I get more sympathy perhaps. I've started socializing somewhat in the last few months and I now have I better understand why this is considered a mental illness. I can better see the difficulties I and people like myself face. I am not proud to have difficulties communicating with people, but without it I wouldn't be who I am today.
In treating my mental illness there isn't a whole lot they can do. I was given some medication, the same medication prescribed to schizophrenics but in a lower dosage, and had sessions in the nearby city with some kind of doctor. I found it interrupting my education and she wasn't nice to me. She was polite but she seemed to think I was an imbecile and couldn't handle money. I would regularly tell her my marvellous grades and she would be confused about it. When I saved up a few hundred dollars she was equal parts amazed and confused. It hurt seeing her and thinking that the trained professional had a completely incorrect interpretation of my mental illness and might harm her other patients with aspergers or just any of her patients.
: Re: Mental illness?
: iiCE June 21, 2015, 12:58:04 AM
Nervous illness. I've been through a lot of stress for quite a long time which gave awful results. I easily get irritated and anxious from minor things.

If i smoke weed, I get panic attacks and feel like I am going to die, so I had to quit.
Drinking coffee also makes me nervous and anxious, had to quit that too.
Hangovers also make me anxious.

Some time ago I listened to Claire Weekes' tapes (http://www.amazon.com/Hope-Help-Nerves-Claire-Weekes/dp/0451167228 (http://www.amazon.com/Hope-Help-Nerves-Claire-Weekes/dp/0451167228)) and At Last a Life by Paul David (http://www.amazon.com/At-Last-Life-Paul-David/dp/0956948103 (http://www.amazon.com/At-Last-Life-Paul-David/dp/0956948103))
They sure helped but did not manage to cure me completely.

Anxiety and panic attacks used to be with me pretty much 24/7 until i read those helpful books and tapes. Fortunately, now it is only being caused by the things mentioned above.

I just know it's a mental problem. If you get yourself occupied, distracted and not think about it, the anxiety goes away.

Read my reply in the topic.
I had same shit also, it evolved too untill I said it's enough.
Break away from your confort zone asap, talk to girls, dare yourself to do "crazy" things. Trust me on this :) Either go crazy or learn to deal with ur illness. What is better? :P
: Re: Mental illness?
: shadowfx78 July 02, 2015, 02:43:40 PM
I have a whole host of medical problems which led to depression and a few trips to the psych ward for suicidal tendencies.  Things are much, better now and have moved on

Sent from my LGLS660 using Tapatalk

: Re: Mental illness?
: noname1012 July 03, 2015, 03:09:22 AM
weve been throuhg similar shit so i gave you a cookie
: Re: Mental illness?
: fable July 05, 2015, 12:40:01 AM
I am treated for anxiety and depression. I also get violent mood swings when not on my meds. I have never been admitted for anything though. I have also not been back to a doctor to be properly diagnosed in years.
: Re: Mental illness?
: evilhacker July 05, 2015, 01:31:27 AM
Read my reply in the topic.
I had same shit also, it evolved too untill I said it's enough.
Break away from your confort zone asap, talk to girls, dare yourself to do "crazy" things. Trust me on this :) Either go crazy or learn to deal with ur illness. What is better? :P
I like your story.

That is exactly what the tapes and book taught me. I try to ignore the anxious feelings and just go on with my life, do my daily tasks and keep a strong will and I feel like I am slowly progressing and recovering.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Circle. August 03, 2015, 05:50:28 PM
I have Tourette's syndrome, IED, OCD and social anxiety. I've also had major depression last year, combined with psuedodementia, I almost went on a killing spree once, but my parents found out and made me get help, I am treated now and my mental capabilities are back to normal. Also my other "problems" are reduced. I hope they all will be gone before I go to college.
: Re: Mental illness?
: blazed August 03, 2015, 06:09:15 PM
Got diagnosed with azperger earlier this year, wouldn't be surprised if I had adhd/add or something more aswell
: Re: Mental illness?
: v32itas August 03, 2015, 09:32:02 PM
Antisocial Personality Disorder. And not even self diagnosed but I can tell that by people which sticks around me for too long. They all somehow starts to hate me(then they just need a brake) after brake they loves me again. Oh well it's just some psychiatrist made it sound that ridiculous. Actually Society goes against it self. And I'm just on my own.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Toni88 August 07, 2015, 01:12:00 PM
I have borderline personality disorder (BPD) and avoidant personality disorder (AvPD).
One of the worst things about it is that I often think: "I need to talk to someone so bad, I can't live like this for my entire life..." and after barely 10 minutes I could be like "Nah, the only problem here is mankind, and that's why I don't talk to anyone and don't have any relationship, they don't deserve me, and I'm fine with it.".

Basically I spend my days at the computer, talking to my parents only, and leaving my house just to take my dog out or for some commissions, and I'm often depressed, thinking about suicide.

My computers are the only reason I'm still here: my wish for learning is superior to everything.
: Re: Mental illness?
: shadowwolf August 07, 2015, 07:16:20 PM
Mild social anxiety and mild ocd. I also have somewhat dampened emotions with the exception of anger, but I'm not sure what that would be called.
: Re: Mental illness?
: v32itas August 15, 2015, 05:35:49 PM
I have borderline personality disorder (BPD) and avoidant personality disorder (AvPD).
One of the worst things about it is that I often think: "I need to talk to someone so bad, I can't live like this for my entire life..." and after barely 10 minutes I could be like "Nah, the only problem here is mankind, and that's why I don't talk to anyone and don't have any relationship, they don't deserve me, and I'm fine with it.".

Basically I spend my days at the computer, talking to my parents only, and leaving my house just to take my dog out or for some commissions, and I'm often depressed, thinking about suicide.

My computers are the only reason I'm still here: my wish for learning is superior to everything.

I used to have such thoughts and they comes back from time to time, but I always named it just as mindfuck state. So most effective way out from this mindfuck state I've found was writing down everything that is a part of that mindfuck. By writing it down you realize that it was actually just a mindfuck But there is no need to stop writing after that. Continue writing down your thoughts. And In few days you going to notice that everything you write down gets more clear and organized every day as well as your mind. As well you might notice improved concentration and memory.

By journaling all important activity from your past and present and making yourself to-do lists(and completing them) you can improve your overall performance and realize that you're more important than you thought. So journaling things you achieve and learn boosts your self-esteem.

Each time you get into mindfuck state just start writing about yourself. Fill all missing achievements since last journal update. Explain what were you're doing all day in journal. And what are you going to do, what should you do. Try to prioritize those goals. After you finish journaling, start executing tasks from your to-do list. Remember that the only person you can trust is YOU and you just have no time for being depressed.

P.S. This writing will also improve your speaking, you will be able to talk more clearly. But this journal is only for you not for public, keep it to yourself. A lot of brilliant people used to write for themselves. You can find a lot of articles about benefits of this journaling.


just google for more. Everything that I've said is from my own experience.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Aurora August 15, 2015, 09:01:26 PM
I'm bipolar, but i wouldn't consider myself mentally ill.
: Re: Mental illness?
: fuicious August 15, 2015, 09:31:16 PM
I've never been to a psychologist or a psychiatrist before. I don't really know at what point a behaviour isn't considered normal or when abnormal behaviour is considered an illnes so I won't use any of those terms to describe myself. I occasionally get disturbing thoughts with which I've learned to cope, but never got completely rid of them. I overthink stuff. I get depressed easily as well. From what I've read online, I'd diagnose myself with multiple OCD's, if that's even possible. Sometimes I can't prevent myself from laughing in sad situations (dunno if it's worth mentioning). It's not that I have no empathy, the urge to laugh is often simply too strong.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Aurora August 15, 2015, 09:54:05 PM
I've never been to a psychologist or a psychiatrist before. I don't really know at what point a behaviour isn't considered normal or when abnormal behaviour is considered an illnes so I won't use any of those terms to describe myself. I occasionally get disturbing thoughts with which I've learned to cope, but never got completely rid of them. I overthink stuff. I get depressed easily as well. From what I've read online, I'd diagnose myself with multiple OCD's, if that's even possible. Sometimes I can't prevent myself from laughing in sad situations (dunno if it's worth mentioning). It's not that I have no empathy, the urge to laugh is often simply too strong.

Weird, no idea what that could be.
: Re: Mental illness?
: B1N4RY2.0 August 15, 2015, 11:46:04 PM
Laughing when it's "uncalled" for can be a coping mechanism. I've caught myself in awkward situations doing this. Freud even speculated the same:

Freud argued that laughter was a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with the unspeakable pain of everyday life. He gives the example of a prisoner about to locked in the gallows, who says to his guard: “Well, this is a good beginning to the week”. The prisoner makes a joke because he doesn’t want to cry; his ego distracts his conscious brain from the unspeakable misery of the moment.
: Re: Mental illness?
: truecam August 16, 2015, 03:38:16 AM
Self diagnosing a mental illness is like self diagnosing IQ, unreliable. Usually people diagnose themselves with illnesses that fit in with their ego not ones that actually exist. Also many mental illnesses are caused by obesity or any other drug addiction, so for the people struggling with afflictions try to cure the disease not the symptoms.
: Re: Mental illness?
: shadowfx78 September 29, 2015, 03:08:56 PM
I have mental illnesses and have been to a pysch ward.  I have major depression with delusions aka hearing voices.  Also suffer from mild ocd and anxiety.  When I had the voices they were demeaning and hostile.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Tinker September 29, 2015, 07:56:38 PM
People who went to the doctor and talked about their problems, how much did it help? Did you get any magic pills there?

I know I am pretty fucked up, severe social anxiety, OCD that is really taking a lot of my time sometimes, some kind of depression, anger issues, quite probably aspergers, but I just can't go and whine to someone about my feelings and not feel like a total pussy, so I suck it up and keep going. The problem is, I'm very, very tired, and afraid that I'll snap somewhere and fuck up everything I achieved this far, since I'm becoming less and less tolerant to peoples shit.
: Re: Mental illness?
: bigpenis September 29, 2015, 08:02:25 PM
People who went to the doctor and talked about their problems, how much did it help? Did you get any magic pills there?

I know I am pretty fucked up, severe social anxiety, OCD that is really taking a lot of my time sometimes, some kind of depression, anger issues, quite probably aspergers, but I just can't go and whine to someone about my feelings and not feel like a total pussy, so I suck it up and keep going. The problem is, I'm very, very tired, and afraid that I'll snap somewhere and fuck up everything I achieved this far, since I'm becoming less and less tolerant to peoples shit.

I would highly recommend some kind of medication, it really helped me in the long run with becoming more stable and less depressed so that I could focus on myself and my aspirations for the future. People tend to have this stigma against medication and treatment in general sometimes but personally I think it's just that they lack the understanding of what it's like to suffer daily from depression/anhedonia/OCD/anxiety/social anxiety, you name it etc etc.

An awesome resource for this kind of stuff would be DatBTrue.co.uk ; the main focus is on peptides for increasing growth hormone but they have an amazingly brilliant administrator and many topics on great ideas such as Low-Dose naltrexone for OCD and depression/anxiousness, the peptides themselves (Ipamorelin, GHRP-2, GHRP-6), as they can help re-calibrate your body's hormonal and endocrine functions to normal, and other fixes that will help you in the long run either to augment an existing medical regimen or to follow lesser-known but sometimes equally-effective treatments for these sorts of mental issues.
: Re: Mental illness?
: proxx September 29, 2015, 08:05:51 PM
I would highly recommend some kind of medication, it really helped me in the long run with becoming more stable and less depressed so that I could focus on myself and my aspirations for the future. People tend to have this stigma against medication and treatment in general sometimes but personally I think it's just that they lack the understanding of what it's like to suffer daily from depression/anhedonia/OCD/anxiety/social anxiety, you name it etc etc.
Wel exactly, it is especially remarkable when they have no experience with it yet someone already seem to know that it doesn't work.
: Re: Mental illness?
: bigpenis September 29, 2015, 08:23:41 PM
Just an FYI to those with social anxiety: the MAOI class of antidepressants (Nardil, Parnate) is a godsend for it, as well as atypical depression and most other types of depressive disorder in general. The food restrictions are way overblown as well.

Also, Low-Dose Naltrexone can be advantageous since it will cause endorphins in the brain to increase by up to three-fold (look up studies done by Dr. Bernard Bihari) and opioid/endorphin receptors have been found to modulate social stress and defeat.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Tinker September 29, 2015, 08:27:11 PM
@bigpenis Thanks for sharing your experience and opinion. I am considering it even harder now.

I also registered on that forum and will check it out once they let me in. Though, I dare not to touch anything that helps growth, I'm already too tall and hate it.
: Re: Mental illness?
: DoctorT October 06, 2015, 06:17:21 PM
Self-treating OCD and a slowly fading social anxiety that almost evolved into an AvPD (avoidant personality disorder.) Man, fuck being stressed. You know, I am just fifteen yet my beard has some grey hair on it. Let alone of the scalp hair. I've been exercising very hard to reduce stress, just burst one of my blood vessels (two I think actually) last night. My arms are also full of white stretch marks. You know, all because I was mocked at school at the early grades.
: Re: Mental illness?
: straycat October 06, 2015, 06:55:51 PM
I live with depression but I have never been commited no. It's not easy but I try to stay away from the drugs and all that they tend to make it worse. My mother and one of my exes both are Bi-Polar and they've both spent time in wards. Takes a lot of understanding and compassion to live with people like that but they really can't control thier emotions. In my early 20s I spent 6 months on anti-depressants and it was a roller coaster I'll never do it again.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Dr4g0n October 27, 2015, 06:25:00 AM
My family has a long history of mental illness. Mainly panic attacks, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia. If you consider ASD a mental illness, there's also a little bit of that counting me and my dads uncle. Funny enough, recently I started having panic attacks, no idea why, but i just wake up in the middle of the night with an adrenaline rush and the feeling of death. Thats why I'm on here at 2:30 am when i have school at 8:00.
: Re: Mental illness?
: n3v3r October 27, 2015, 06:43:10 AM
does anyone have a mental illness hear ? also have you ever been to the psych ward?

severe depression and generalized anxiety with some components of social anxiety. been admitted to the "psych ward" on 2 previous occasions. It used to have a profound negative effect on my life, but now I think I've learned to live with it enough to where I can function as a productive member of society. I still suffer from feelings of meaninglessness and some antisocial behaviors. It makes me feel like an outsider at times, I tend to be aloof more often than involved. My biggest advice to those suffering heavily as I once did: it will get better. Your brain's chemistry doesn't allow you to think this way in times of true despair, but trust me; you'll make it through.
: Re: Mental illness?
: blacknieve November 03, 2015, 08:41:51 AM
Well, I can't say I've been diagnosed with any condition(never been to a shrink either), but from what I've read from wiki and various other med articles and sources, I'm probably bipolar and was definitely depressive at one point. Contemplated suicide very seriously and read up about it, decided that it was definitely not worth it, so I might as well just live my life and do shit. That's how I surpassed the depression. Took me 2 years...

And right now, I just have weird moments when I want to cry for no goddamn reason. They pass in like a minute or two. And then I'm aaaaall good again and ready to do whatever the fuck I want.

Oh and if it wasn't illegal, I'd kill a looooot of people without any regret whatsoever.
I'd still literally kill some idiots, but right now I'm just too paranoid I might get caught.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Pak_Track November 03, 2015, 11:57:04 AM
^Future mass shooter.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Dr4g0n November 04, 2015, 06:03:03 AM
I'd still literally kill some idiots, but right now I'm just too paranoid I might get caught.

Suicide isn't the answer, you still have so much to live for
: Re: Mental illness?
: felderman November 22, 2015, 01:15:18 AM
Nope, not as far as I know even though I show traits of various illnesses. Even if I do, I couldn't be bothered to get tested because I can still function normally on a daily basis  ::)
: Re: Mental illness?
: blazed January 10, 2016, 03:37:48 PM
Nope, not as far as I know even though I show traits of various illnesses. Even if I do, I couldn't be bothered to get tested because I can still function normally on a daily basis  ::)
Most people can "function normally" even with a diagnose. Personally I'm not functioning in any other way after I got my diagnose than I did before, but now I have a better understanding on why I maybe get headaches often than some other people. Why I am a complete wreck after being on a social event for X days while my friends are just tired due to sleeping to little.

And that I kind of like, I have a better understanding of who I am as a human. And I still "function normally". A diagnose is just a help to find out who you are, it does not say who you are. And that's a Big difference.
: Re: Mental illness?
: yomomma January 12, 2016, 04:18:57 AM
Take pills for depression....better than weed.
: Re: Mental illness?
: GreyCat January 12, 2016, 11:57:39 AM
Yes, I have depression and anxiety issues.

Also, I've spent time in psych wards. They're not like they are in movies. Very boring. Not much to do but sit around reading the bible and Reader's Digest condensed books.
: Re: Mental illness?
: bigpenis January 28, 2016, 12:15:17 AM
Take pills for depression....better than weed.

: Re: Mental illness?
: Trap_lord February 02, 2016, 08:46:58 PM
Mild Schizophrenia.
: Re: Mental illness?
: r4kk00n February 09, 2016, 01:09:58 AM
I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.
Since psychology is  not as concrete as some of the other medical disciplines, and most of the tests for illness are open to interpretation by the test provider, I  spent some time doing research on it. I am pretty confidant it  is an accurate diagnosis.
I have been in psych wards several times, usually because I realized things were getting out of control and I didn't want to lose what little control I had left.
: Re: Mental illness?
: Biohazard February 12, 2016, 09:43:02 PM
Shockingly I have been diagnosed with PTSD, one VA shrink compared me to House with access to heavy artillery. 

Seriously though, OP were asking about natural or developed mental illness?  Someone else previously hit on a point about the near futility of diagnosis.  While I would not go so far as claiming mental illness doesn't exist, but it has become so over diagnosed in our modern society with such little understanding that it is hard to take it too seriously.  Half the kids I have known diagnosed with ADHD just needed a Gibbs slap upside the back of the head and damned if they had no problems concentrating and behaving.   Too many people use mental illness as an excuse to be worthless fucks that are unaccountable for their actions these days.

The problem is that yes there are people that have real serious issues with depression amongst a host of other issues, and because there is not a sufficient enough understanding of the causes and appropriate treatments over diagnosis dilutes this seriousness. 

Don't get me wrong I don't know a single person on this board so I am not making any accusations that my opinions hold to any one of the previous posts.  Particularly since several have mentioned that the diagnosis while it didn't change their lives it did help explain some things.  As I said mental illness is a serious and interesting subject, unfortunately it is plagued with rejects from the NASA chimp training program with prescription pads.