
General Tech => Hardware => : ptales September 28, 2015, 04:16:43 PM

: How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Tiny Linux Computer
: ptales September 28, 2015, 04:16:43 PM
This has been around for quite some time, so some of you may have already seen it, but I just found it today and thought it was too cool to not share it. The tutorial's original description is perfectly fine, so I'll just copy that and post the link instead of writing a lot myself. Hope you guys like it!

This tutorial will show you how to make a Linux computer that fits inside a modified USB charger plug, providing constant power in a very small package. It uses the Raspberry Pi compatible ODROID-W development board and runs the Raspbian OS. The plug itself can be used internationally and has US/UK/EU attachments.

The cool thing is that all you need to do is plug it in and that’s it. You just leave it anywhere within wifi range, and it will run with constant power and is small enough to be inconspicuous. There are quite a few applications for something like this, including: personal file/media server, a silent motion alarm (when combined with the RPi Camera), a TOR relay, a pentesting tool, a Bitcoin node, personal VPN or just a general use remote linux system. This example uses a wifi adapter for connectivity, but alternatively you could use the innards of a USB ethernet adapter if you want a physical connection.

Link to the tutorial (http://n-o-d-e.net/post/113954752456/how-to-convert-a-usb-charger-into-a-tiny-linux)
: Re: How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Tiny Linux Computer
: Melatonin September 28, 2015, 09:34:27 PM
Ahhh, they stick a Raspberry Pi into a charger. Was confused when I first read the title. Seems like a nice project.
: Re: How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Tiny Linux Computer
: Synfer September 28, 2015, 09:38:51 PM
Sticking the RPi into a charger, isn't it like too small or obvious ? I mean it's not the smallest thing or whatever. But seems like it's still a great idea ! Might adapt it
: Re: How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Tiny Linux Computer
: Melatonin September 28, 2015, 10:11:55 PM
Sticking the RPi into a charger, isn't it like too small or obvious ? I mean it's not the smallest thing or whatever. But seems like it's still a great idea ! Might adapt it

Your can try it with CHIP, it is smaller than the Raspberry Pi. Don't know much about it though.
: Re: How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Tiny Linux Computer
: ptales September 28, 2015, 10:32:25 PM
No, they do not use a Raspberry Pi, they use the Raspberry Pi compatible ODROID-W (http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=g140610189490) development board.

@Melatonin: I just took a look at C.H.I.P. and I don't think it's RPi compatible. It's also loaded with tons of software one does not need for this kind of project. This project's aim is not to create a PC for office and gaming needs and that kind of stuff.