Hacking and Security => Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing => : Six October 14, 2015, 05:57:30 PM
Hello. Recently i downloaded a bot for an online game. Its perfect in every function. The bot needs a register key wich can be buyed for 30euros. I tried to make a keygen but cant make it. I have spent many days trying to do it and reading over and over again manuals and assemble modifications. I have cracked some easy programs but even a novice like me can say that it is diffucult.
I know many ppl that tried but noone could do it. Thats the reason that there is no keygen or crack on the internet and i am looking for some help. If anyone could give some advice or if someone could do it for me i would appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
somebody know a how to guide i can use for my aim?
Maybe try contacting the developer of the bot and ask.
He not reply to me
Make your own bot?
I just have to crack a .exe in .net but i have some problem
What is the guarantee that every .exe is in .net?
It is a free and respectful internet. If you don't know how to write a bot and someone took the time to learn and write something you love, be respectful and appreciative and pay him the money for the licence. It is the least you could do.
I think you might have a better time learning how to write your own bot and you will get skills that will forever help you in the future, rather than learning how to reverse one program that you will outgrow in afew months to years. My 2 cents.
Honestly I'd say buy it, this will tell you alot about where the registration is and how it activates.
Take a look on the forum for xor's post. He has a couple open source keygens which might help
Honestly I'd say buy it, this will tell you alot about where the registration is and how it activates.
Take a look on the forum for xor's post. He has a couple open source keygens which might help
Can you take a look to the bot and so help me to understand how to reverse?
No I said buy it and follow what it does. Take a snapshot of your system, run the paid version and activate, take another snapshot and compare the two for changes