General Tech => Hardware => : vegiraghav February 07, 2016, 09:39:59 AM
So as it happens for many, I was browsing the net and suddenly lost connectivity while still connected to the wifi. So I was wondering since I am connected to the WiFi will there be anyway that I can send a command to it to force it to restart from my device itself. My knowledge in the hardware of the router is limited. So any suggestions about what I should know?
I am not a copyright guy so if u develop any such thing please let me know
Thank you for your time
There are many ways but most of them require rooted devices and some knowledge of networking.
If it's some cheap, shitty and/or old router, there might be a way to crash it by sending some malformed packets that it doesn't understand... other than that, following the legal way would be to SSH into it and restart from there, but SSH is only available on more expensive routers.
You could just login to your router from the browser on your phone. Most SOHO routers will have a reboot option in them, but not all of them do.
i agree with infinital here, fastes thing would be to check you routers config page from your browser and see where that gets you, otherwise, unless you have an actually nice router, your out of luck and have to stand up :c
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