
Community => General discussion => : Erra February 22, 2016, 01:57:26 AM

: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: Erra February 22, 2016, 01:57:26 AM
There have been numerous cases within the last two months of individuals getting cut in their faces with knives by criminal attackers. Last week there were three cases, one of which happened in my local subway line not far away from my neighborhood's stop.

Some info on the incidents:

Normally I'm not one to fear something when the news says something terrible and overly exaggerated, but I'm actually considering getting a retractable baton or anything to defend myself despite the law saying you can't carry anything because this is actually getting out of hand. I could drive but managing through parking regulations and driving in NYC is rather difficult to work with. Also its hard to
carry something like a retractable baton because the local train stations I travel through such as the Yankee Stadium and 145 street are
home to underground police stations.

At the moment I don't recommend anyone come and visit the city especially if its to explore the night life (6PM +). And for those that do  live in NYC currently, Keep your distance from people late at night even if it's just one person. And try to avoid hanging out late at night for a few weeks until the commotion dies down.

Aside from this the NYC judges seem to be doing a terrible job on sentencing criminals such as Judge Laurie Peterson, who blatantly even refused to the victim who was slashed by Kari Bazemore.


I suppose something can be done about this by fellow NYC h4x0rs...the only lead I have so far is that she lives in queens.
: Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: sonNe February 22, 2016, 03:11:53 AM
despite the law saying you can't carry anything
You can get a permission to a weapon. In most countries the minimum age for it is 25 year old and clean police record. That's not exclusive for fire weapons, also knives and etc. Don't know the specifics about not lethals like Tasers and shit, but have something to defend yourself is always good. Carrying a lethal weapon is only illegal if you don't have a permission for it.

I don't recommend anyone come and visit the city
NYC in this exact moment have a total population of 8+ million people. Because of one lunatic slashing peoples faces, i shouldn't come over and visit the Big Apple? C'mon. NYC Was always violent, full of agressive people, just like anywhere else in the world. People are fucked up, no matter where you live. But i understand your fear.

NYC judges seem to be doing a terrible job

Not trying to defend judges, but in many cases the judged walks away because of the inumerals legal flaws that exists in our current system of laws.

I suppose something can be done about this by fellow NYC h4x0rs...
Something, but very small. Maybe helping in identifying the suspect, using police databases to match the suspect with places, days. Pinpoint with social medias and etc, nothing very incriminating that can be saw as a vital evidence in a court, unless you can caught the motherfucker in plane sight cutting peoples faces with a public security camera. Then yeah, that would be a good evidence, otherwise, the police can do a lot more since they have way more resources than a common "Hacker". With.. "h4x0rs" the process would only be faster, since NYC is buried in crimes. -> http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/downloads/pdf/crime_statistics/cs-en-us-city.pdf

Violence is everywhere, since the beginning to the upcoming end, there will always be fucked up people among us.
Anyway that was just my opinion about the topic, I apologize if i misunderstood any part.
: Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: proxx February 22, 2016, 01:07:51 PM
Hypes are bad foundation to change a way of living, don't get me wrong change or perspective is something I would encourage any time of the day but this is just another news article of just another slacker with a sick mind.
The fact that there is media focus causes great imbalance to proptional thinking, incidents tend to derail our thinking on  a global scale.
So yes I understand the  'this is close to home'  feeling , personally I wouldnt worry much about such things eventhough it's hard not to let it influence one, it's a numbers game.
Apart from going full bountyhunter style it doesn't seem like the public can do much about this apart from the regular stuff.
: Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: r4kk00n February 22, 2016, 01:34:36 PM
You could carry a "smiley."
These are typically a bandanna tied to a lock, a lock on a chain, or something similar.
The great thing about a smiley is that neither a lock, nor a bandanna are illegal to possess in most states, so if you are going to be searched by law enforcement, just slide the lock off the bandanna.
: Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: Erra February 22, 2016, 06:26:07 PM
Perhaps you're correct, even so, eventually I think I will move out of the city and live some place where its easier to carry protection or probably get into the protection force for a while.
: Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: dimi February 23, 2016, 01:31:20 PM
You need to have the time to take your defense weapon. Otherwise you cant use it. Sometimes running away is better. Hairspray or deodorant spray are legal.
: Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
: Pak_Track February 23, 2016, 01:32:04 PM
Forget about getting a pistol, let alone a carry permit in NYC.
Your best bet is to avoid traveling alone, and carry a taser, not a stun-gun. If shit hits the fan, tase the fool and run as fast as you can. It is nothing like the movies :P