
Programming and Scripting => Other => : Kulverstukas February 04, 2011, 06:39:05 PM

: [Delphi] LotsOfWindows
: Kulverstukas February 04, 2011, 06:39:05 PM

Maybe someone remembers this prank app that when you open it asks you a question if you want to click some buttons, and if you answer YES then it spams the desktop with windows.
While being bored at work I was doing some coding and made this app. In my version there is a timer set to 5 seconds.
Yeah, this is useless but meh... I learned how to programmatically create components :P

Project (Lazarus IDE):
http://newage.ql.lt/projects/delphi/LotsOfWindows/LotsOfWindowsEN.zip (http://newage.ql.lt/projects/delphi/LotsOfWindows/LotsOfWindowsEN.zip)

Compiled EXE (set to 100 windows):
http://newage.ql.lt/projects/delphi/LotsOfWindows/Windows.exe (http://newage.ql.lt/projects/delphi/LotsOfWindows/Windows.exe)