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Messages - burnty

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Prepaid cards not so anonymous.
« on: July 15, 2013, 09:40:56 pm »
Anonymous IBAN debit cards, usually obtainable at a price of $30-$40.
They have a maximum accumulative withdraw/deposit balance, usually $3500.
Good for to 2 years or $3500, whichever comes first.

These are totally anonymous and come with a PIN.
You can find cards like this on dark market sites.

Greetings; new here. Love the site and look forward to contributing when/where I can.

I cannot (if my death depended on it) find the SQLi command to wrap a long single string that seems to go off-screen.
This is not a concat() or group_concat() situation; this is a single string.
I am using the largest (viewable) null column available.
How to break to a new line after a certain number of characters?


The "password" column is the long single string I need to view over multiple lines.


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