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Messages - Loverboy

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Hacking & Security section rewamp
« on: June 03, 2011, 09:59:24 pm »
sounds fine.. who the fuck cares if people have to spend a little more time on finding the tools?
If they cant handle the looking then they are in the wrong fucking place

General discussion / Re: Your hobbies?
« on: April 16, 2011, 04:44:49 pm »
i used to paint ball almost ever weekend, not so much anymore. But i did just pick up a tippmann bravo one just for the hell of it.  I also am into movies and beer. but when i say beer/wine is a hobby i don't just mean getting drunk. I've started brewing and bottling my own. I hope that soon i'll be able to make wine at home when i live somewhere with a basement and have the room for it.

Brewing beer sounds awesome.
What kind of beer are you brewing?

Science / Re: Electronics
« on: April 15, 2011, 03:27:59 pm »
i made a amplifier, learned a lot from it.
its somewhat costly but not too bad if you build a mosfet one

General discussion / Your hobbies?
« on: April 14, 2011, 07:52:14 pm »
Just wondering, what are your hobbies except for computers then ofc :D
How did you get started with it;
And what makes it so awesome.

I myself dont really have one so i guess im looking for something :)

uhm.. is this your site or someone elses?

wouldnt be nice of you luring ppl into doing illegal stuff without proxy and all that mumbo jumbo

Pages: [1]