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Messages - Simba

Pages: [1] 2 3
Found it on the Webs / Re: Never give a monkey a gun-Hilarious
« on: November 14, 2012, 01:24:29 pm »
guys.. you understand it's fake? :) Kulverstukas you should know real sound of AK or PKM :)

Found it on the Webs / Re: Browser Compatibility Test
« on: October 26, 2012, 09:58:50 pm »
I would disagree it's for compatibility testing. More like design rendering.
I have used those quite much, and even if it says it supports flash it won't sometimes display it, it will crash or whatever.

Anyway, nowadays web developers tend not to care and code their pages carelessly, making page messed up in other browsers.

Ever seen the line: "This website is best viewed on Internet explorer" or even better "This website works only in Internet Explorer" ?

Seriously? Wtf? Stick to the standards.   

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Whats wrong with my php script ?
« on: October 23, 2012, 06:08:40 pm »
Damn, Yeah Xires.

Rent a VPN.

Hacking and Security / Re: i cant ping computers on my network
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:37:40 am »
Dude, it's IPV6 . That's the new version of IP.

General discussion / Re: Youtube's down (1 min ago)
« on: October 19, 2012, 09:30:02 am »
Google were rolling out some updates yesterday. When you switch to the fulscreen you will see annoying sign for idiots "It's not in fullscreen!"

Some of the updates porbably caused 500 and it took couple minutes for highly trained monkeys fix that.

Found it on the Webs / Youtube's encoded error message
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:20:08 pm »
Hey, it's posted on google already, but don't google it.

It's error message i just got when youtube server error (500) occurs:

gk0oOb1MCcRbIY8CBwfXMQ5lfZAcZIVk4rB3FyiCkL_YXbQVt_tzXmJuu6M2 LZzsg8fpPF79_eOoyq0USPRDWJ2CySUx-xktxhgbqOtbEhNoRcBTZmCGtiYZ w3xIijq5ycrfx-DiLNCwNwBjET2NK8pxOCCFQtKkfM-pGL_5K62R06cr-844 JINe6B8y1Syqlo0rfeWglywvx5lT2G_y0nD7WXbEkrvuKboMgNzqBHnUqtzA 4FB5x80vj-icNGUPuV2qiiyOQpNa81IHVz29DCZVWnHHA2QcfAXQewB1CQtv BTb4GI8ZyIN-A18ePF-vVjyuvINvct9F4oDB4LCv5xjlQSECm_e-BJ9FakSf unkX1MRWc7sIz76axOfYv4sgk1xJeTkk8r3fmUzFvVfNFw9IKS2Q1cD-6XEo lR4b0oOPiwYeADBIANwoYdvrJvF1OI5qpiALs9Tn70am3nxlMtU35rPllMyJ 9Io3BOTJsXa_emWv7jgKptdwr7896LllEb0ckqLvj1ivelKE9Az2dQPA1Ga7 kyCUf0zFP5nqkBWm7MkPKC7hyrNaW5PILKuT82snF5itN7hbQom7-z6IWW8Z VUdlz4lj4LQquadErHYJ-BGR7wPzv-S0R8qunnavtwa_2z6IM7JaAskziBhI V1lo_qsqwtOfpD7VsUN_ywbHmx0J_BgPT3g2COKrxQQcAAYcUk99n6AqsgiG eulTaVKpOsWgQQUMSutQbP4RZOaUk7FCYU1ci8TNsR-xhM1FrK4qhcT04tVO scxi4PKqOQxXLlGoRGEr8NLWAO8MoMDPLeEMp5UUVsUvnZG5axpW_QEStK5P ixxn9vTmNrxKYf80A3bIvPg-yUIQWxPdIXjwuOziE1p4_cnVhf1n18RPodGQ nHFsUQP3rdsdM2U9XUrwCL_jIqsydLYdiAVgBWvK7GT5139wo5xibjMRaVWt wXEAcwiHXYsyShiivB-cF-25nTkifsP4O0kRLvgZENnAWEL5BXpO4LU7iUrJ pfPEDSNOKch2GxHoP8AretkqKO0L8550Bo7FBxLHQNPREr_06qhcCdFXfahQ RDNndrMBXJEfbaiXKEP7gKg3CmyyUT_f0Cn5zNXYMNQiT9TOMlPIfT9Hvusk S1-DZeChMMcbWmVn4u9JiPglmP4lH4nimAMt-2Z7BzLgVSLOzcIGFvMeDTFB ASPN3snDZlUuResP04Hr-KXyB-SmgT3HYt5-8BhbR_IDDTGM__Oae7lhNazX x44qEvTZDxlMRcTlpthQ8pk42VUzKMSrzZXlqE_zDIOud_eHwlN8MDQnG355 P1xijEQ_wccpZiEromV9Ng_MmEMstkgXE9Y69CoFmvvy5Jr7pG-xQrQB3P2Y Uony7wM-MC8TpMR1tkAFwtAD0ScEsf2O--134S75YMtPp66uXjTy6IylWqPx dipnUiybiw_N2zv8TCQoWS_ruBO61ffZ9FzZGMRoZ_vkW4dVpEh97B217AMr nklU6orhCPmC2iY3fIBOz6ArcBEl_Dwi2cqT1gj729XrtvV8pnVg6xWBT1V- BuuhxR9numuGDwbqU5VB1qP4zqKVotJGccXH9kd1U6sEsE53ruzmOIdN-ks0 FVRMo_ElFXKkZI-xLkVudciPGlySEOq1JLLF8xAMkwJfjXt3b6ZA1FqcVdqC z9hze8Ogvwa7dqecKU5kojqXMrInnYC5eVxah7DIkcFXckVWOPXNLjfF9ESg Zzk6t9JsQI7qYuVzfche6i2L2bMFXDUSNPBwAOxKAMqd66jtCCjyjd_3JPgr xk-nC49iEq_Mdfp3HnLZn_YOIgeBe6f-_993cKckioVSjA8wIMma2l2SmJGH 7ib4QDON_hgW-hEQFSMQMYzej47dv1RWhIEdvzqEgNSKK1xbtWkXcXRCfgeh 1-s0EyuOoQQopn3dWm8Ueqzv6I11Z9nXy2A_0bzaMMgFcgHBBAzBo4q9ytMW fu5VX5hU5NseotGgRkop4yabx5mq1ONHl8c5eiCDHxdGjTt6ZLPFaNSXtcpi POhxAyEbFOU9jrhd8Vnf9A-VbHXRTDBmvokqYaK8RlYAg-jP9_foZRrEYE1y MiK4YXR9o8gNOHTwuCIhKPwSt-DXsZeoq8uOLw7sa85-ioBRYACDknbPEf83 8LsVznSbQT0Vo4i270bkpcFOou-c0ge3xRsFs835_TY5viNvHGZFsevT864R mnBxX-C0ndYy47a2b8jVPok1DhfW24KXhCrtQHV7jhxjhf_ezvtwxeiPVRwP d5idvN1otfwzcZbFYUJviAIEKIebbMbNgnevmSn_uDrCzBNpK65QNnnWYZcE YHDezcaz3ESs_T4B2_vA5gehkbEehYQlvh6CubdLKyuEKpLPEA8HD3MoI37i 2wqvE50qS3uOdkmt-DQaCOg5OtQV5Wuf8W4lUwrQFMwMh05Z4InrDgulvwPn 2GjrqN-ikI4ZCI_bR9M0ek0WFFq8aczihyyXNEb3JCBj7kXOcwP3vsIRTGKL qeHRVAgKJZXzgEdQIm-YemWB46-kbccHXbcj61xmEoKYFWGWEzv8ZbaZvTH- fFT2Lq0c2sd992Di9MgOI603rwy0APdIT5wlwGT-XSfGDK4zdnd_oA0==

Happy decoding :)

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Whats wrong with my php script ?
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:58:27 pm »
I suggest  you to use IDE, i recommend NetBeans . It will greatly speed up writing code and you will learn faster.

Reverse Engineering / Re: Decrypt Joomla template
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:49:20 pm »
Haha, if it would be so simple nobody would pay ioncube for "protecting" their code :))

Projects and Discussion / Re: Self Signed Certificate
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:44:02 pm »
Kulverstukas relax :)

Go to

You will have valid certificate for 90 days , after that it will work as self signed.

There you will find instructions how to generate server key and so on.

Reverse Engineering / Re: Decrypt Joomla template
« on: October 15, 2012, 03:39:32 pm »
Search google for Ioncube decoder.

Factionwars, it would suck doing all template files like that :)

Science / Re: The WOW signal
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:46:35 pm »
Ca cryptographers crack the code.The code is::::::::::>>>>

I don't get it.

Code sequence were just named WOW, because person analysing data couldn't find better marking to express his founding.

What you mean "Ca crack the code?"

We must crack the code?

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Localhost problem
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:01:37 pm »
What you mean you can't locate?

Open browser and type or localhost when you have WAMP or XAMPP running without errors...

General discussion / Re: There is, indeed, enough time
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:45:27 pm »
That's cool, I saw this before. The one I saw had coffee instead of beer though :P

In Russian website it was VODKA :)

Found it on the Webs / Re: Future energy
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:14:48 pm »
Nice, but the project died?

No recent news or anything. I can't wait a day corporations and governments will let free energy discoveries to see the light.

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