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Messages - Albanian

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Corner / What to do next ?
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:05:09 pm »
hi all im new to hacking yesterday i finished tutorials now my question is about exploit deveopment in tutorials there is exploit development for warftp now how can i make new exploits for other apps or hwo can i find vulnerables  on system and exploit them what knowelege do i need to know .I python ok or should i learn new programing language?? thnx all

Scripting Languages / Re: [Python] Next Choice
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:49:47 pm »
Im a bit confusing now :P
So what library should i learn for apps??

Scripting Languages / Re: [Python] Next Choice
« on: April 27, 2014, 10:15:05 pm »
Thnx! ;D

Scripting Languages / [Python] Next Choice
« on: April 27, 2014, 10:00:06 pm »
Hello All have a nice night  :P
Im a 16 years old boy who love programming
Before 2-3 days i finished Learn Python The Hard Way book , now im thinking to learn Thinking Python book but my friends are telling me to start doing something else starting django or tkinter
So my question is what should i do ?? :)

Pages: [1]