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Messages - Erra

Pages: [1]
Assembly - Embedded / Assembly, a hidden art? (Beginners Guidance)
« on: February 24, 2016, 01:50:02 am »
Sup everyone I just thought I could share my opinions on Assembly. In modern times, computers tend to derail from the hackers' friend 32 Bit Intel assembly. However,  when I began learning Assembly I did it because I had an idea of what one could do with such skill besides make code that can otherwise be written in C/C++. But fret not, if you are a computer engineer you could program the logic of a chip using assembly given the amount of time and effort you devote to such a project. In fact, one can even grab a Raspberry Pi and practice programming the architecture of a Quadcom Processor that can likewise be found in modern cellphones that use Android. In my opinion assembly is becoming more and more hardware based, and if you're tech savy, you can do some pretty nasty stuff with it.

The reason I made this post is to present a brief guide on where to start learning since I had some trouble myself trying to get into the matter. If you feel like learning assembly, I recommend starting out with MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second) with Quasar Distant,

who presents a very nice 32 Bit assembly language thats probably not used anymore, and after you're satisfied, you can get started with other architectures. The key to all of this is to realize  the kind of processor you're working with , like if you're going to try and work with intel processors, and you have a 64 bit computer I highly recommend  grabbing a copy of Ray Seyfarth's book on the subject, it's really great I am currently using it myself:

For the Broadcom processor architecture you might want to grab a Raspberry Pi and a copy of Bruce Smith's Raspberry Pi assembly:

For the good old x86 - 32 bit intel assembly, you might want to grab a copy of Assembly Language step by step 3rd edition:

Although the textbook is extremely lengthy  and thick, and you wont really write any code until like chapter 7, if you stick through it, you can master 32 bit easy peasy. With that being said I wish whoever decides to join the assembly coding community a happy coding exprience, good luck!~

General discussion / Re: Does this make you angry?
« on: February 24, 2016, 01:06:19 am »
Well what happened to me isn't really in the same context of h4x0r ; more like stupid people ignoring what's important. The other day I was with my robotics club in my college, and basically we have to do this thing with ROS (Robotics Operating System). So they spend about 3 hours talking about how they're going going to devise different algorithms to be able to program the robots in order to do what they need to do.

This may seem productive, but it wasn't, of all the things that they could talk about they only took about 10 minutes talking about how to work with ROS, given that 1) they have incredibly shitty programming skills, and they think it's easy even though I told them it's not, and 2) they don't even know what virtualbox is. I persisted in trying to get them to talk more about ROS but all of my attempts to do so were ignored and it made me frustrated and angry. Chances are that this project is going to be a bust since I highly doubt, even as a friend, that they will pick up the fucking textbook I gave them or go to the ROS website and learn how to write advanced c++/ python code. It pisses me off and it made me feel like I didn't want to go there anymore.

So with this being said, yes I feel you bro, the best way to  overcome the feeling is to just let the bad things happen. I wont help my friends out with ROS unless they really want me to; do I care anymore about the project itself? Not in the slightest bit. As a pen tester I'm sure you know how to stay anonymous should you try and do anything to your work place's network with Rapid; but other than that, I would say to just let it go, and since it's insecured, don't stay logged into your email, don't go to websites where you have to login and put credentials, and you'll be safe.

General discussion / Re: Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
« on: February 22, 2016, 06:26:07 pm »
Perhaps you're correct, even so, eventually I think I will move out of the city and live some place where its easier to carry protection or probably get into the protection force for a while.

General discussion / Subway Slasher Crimes in NYC
« on: February 22, 2016, 01:57:26 am »
There have been numerous cases within the last two months of individuals getting cut in their faces with knives by criminal attackers. Last week there were three cases, one of which happened in my local subway line not far away from my neighborhood's stop.

Some info on the incidents:                                   

Normally I'm not one to fear something when the news says something terrible and overly exaggerated, but I'm actually considering getting a retractable baton or anything to defend myself despite the law saying you can't carry anything because this is actually getting out of hand. I could drive but managing through parking regulations and driving in NYC is rather difficult to work with. Also its hard to
carry something like a retractable baton because the local train stations I travel through such as the Yankee Stadium and 145 street are
home to underground police stations.

At the moment I don't recommend anyone come and visit the city especially if its to explore the night life (6PM +). And for those that do  live in NYC currently, Keep your distance from people late at night even if it's just one person. And try to avoid hanging out late at night for a few weeks until the commotion dies down.

Aside from this the NYC judges seem to be doing a terrible job on sentencing criminals such as Judge Laurie Peterson, who blatantly even refused to the victim who was slashed by Kari Bazemore.

I suppose something can be done about this by fellow NYC h4x0rs...the only lead I have so far is that she lives in queens.

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