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Messages - makhan

Pages: [1]
Java / Simple JavaFX Calculator
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:09:21 am »
// Possible enhancements you can do:
//               Check for zero before division.
//               Additional operations: mod, square root, sign change, ...
//               Make this work with doubles, BigInteger, or ...
//               Format double results with DecimalFormat
//               Add keyboard listener.
//             Change to RPN (Reverse Polish Notation)
//            How would you communicate an error to the caller? Ans: Exceptions.
//           about the change (except perhaps to add a "." for floating-point input).

Java / A Simple Mp3-Arranger in Java
« on: August 27, 2014, 03:18:49 pm »
hey Guys i just need you to have look at this Project and just tell me if there are Some bugs or any improvement needed...  i mean Simply i need your feedback on it.....Thanks.... ;)

Source Code here...
Compiled Version here...

Hi, i just finished my Java Course. and as Final Project i am going to Create a Simple YouTube Downloader.
but i Don't Know where to Start? and what things i will need to Complete This Project?

i created a Simple HTML_List_Generator Which is Working Fine On Windows, but i Don't know why its not Working on other Systems i test it on Mac and Ubuntu and it wasn't Working..

Java / Re: Your choice for GUI with Java? Is SWING a wise choice?
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:13:41 pm »
in Short Swing is Awesome i never find it messy
i also try JavaFx which is cool somehow for animation and high Graphics
but the good part is that we can use both Swing and JavaFx together ......

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