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Messages - RKH4X

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Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Need Help in packet sniffing
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:51:56 pm »
If the data you modify is still considered a legitimate parameter then there's no way for it to tell except by human inspection.

For example

You could change the packet so that you pick up 15 gold instead of 10 gold. This just simply won't be noticed if you do it every now and then.

But if you change the packet to pick up 99999999 gold instead of 10 gold. Then you're thick and deserve what you get.

The fact is that even if you did pick up 99999999 gold or whatever then unless a GM actually sees this in a log then you'll get away with it. But why make it so bleeding obvious unless you're trolling.

The fact is that you could actually force everyone in an entire map to pick up 99999999 instead of whatever drops and that, my friend, is hilarious ... (well now this is a case where it depends on checks and how shit they've coded the game. A few chinese games might have a huge flaw but this is a huge exaggeration that's just fun to think about)

have fun

I am, of course, assuming that you're not going to nitpick and argue an unheard of case like "oh well that's assuming that gold drops are random" which it is for every game i've ever played

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Need Help in packet sniffing
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:35:30 pm »
Dude, It's a really simple concept.

You have an Application.
You have a Server.
In between them is the internet.

Which of these things do you have controll over?

Instead of trying to decode the packet and send it out of context (which is just dumb and is likely to get you banned), you can inject a CRC Bypass which can be done using ASM (google assembly tutorials) and modify the program to send the data you want.

Obviously you'll need to figure out the algorithm used to encode the packet - this takes practice because you need to have enough knowledge to identify how something is being encoded. Once you know what the encryption method is you can work on reverse engineering it.

After that you've got free access to anything.

This is why anything can be "hacked". You're not actually hacking the server, (this is nearly always impossible), but rather you're tricking the server into thinking that your application is legitimately sending untampered data.

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