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Messages - jogEvil

Pages: [1]
Lol @ n00bz

A ps4 game can't be burned to a DVD... That's like 50gb a DVD can only hold 8.5gb on a dual layer. You will need a bluray burner + a dual layer blank bluray and then use something like image burn to burn the iso

I got every thing   will test it and see how that goes many thanks

the other thing is after i burn it I should be able to put dvd in ps4 and play  yes ???????????

How to burn PS4 games to DVD ??          the game is as an iso torrent    But i dont know what to use to burnit


Operating System / Re: Windows 10
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:08:59 pm »
Funny Funny  Funny 

Look what i just Got in the email    From how to Geek

Read all about windows 10    here

UPDATE  well I just removed the Link Because I jus Realized  that you Guys cant open it   because the Link is from my email

any way    Windows  sucks 

Operating System / Re: Windows 10
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:15:15 pm »
Here are My thoughts

 ;) ;) ;)

thanks for the Info

Operating System / Re: switching drives in terminal Help
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:05:51 pm »
Oke so you want another drive to be the backup disk Instead of the current one which is sdc3.
Well there is a file called fstab, it is in your /etc folder.
In this file you can specify where what goes on boot.
Read this ^

Code: [Select]
mount /mnt/Backups /dev/sdc3

This should be the other way around.
 mount [-lhV]
 mount -a [options]
 mount [options] [--source] <source> | [--target] <directory>

 Many thanks Proxx

but it is   


Solved    Solved 

I was missing the quotes     

Command should look like this     '/media/Backups linux'   silly me all this time no Quotes   

many thanks to all

Operating System / Re: switching drives in terminal Help
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:57:43 pm »
You are making this way to complex. You want to access the /Backups folder which is on another drive? Ok. Which drive? Say it's /dev/sdc3. You would run:

Code: [Select]
mount /mnt/Backups /dev/sdc3
Then, to access it:
Code: [Select]
cd /mnt/Backups

I don't see what is so confusing.

thanks for the help ,, But No  that also did not work

and the drive is mounted

Please look

many thanks 


Solved    Solved 

I was missing the quotes     

Command should look like this     '/media/Backups linux'

Operating System / Re: switching drives in terminal Help
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:20:55 pm »
Sorry for not being Clear

may be this will help

 Please let me explain one thing
 Linux is install on 3 Different sdd's   as a raid 0   

ssd1  is   /      ssd2 is                  boot                          ssd3  is                                     home

All of these 3 ssd's are in File System  ,,   and what u see in the Picture below is just one Big 2tb   hdd  with all the  partitions

I did it this way because other people said it cant be don   this is the only reason  I have the setup  like this

But i am happy with it and it is working very good,,

Now all I want to do  go into Backups Linux to put my backup there ,, witch is also on a different HDD
 Please look at these Pictures   maybe they explain more

many thanks

Operating System / SOLVED switching drives in terminal Help
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:37:45 am »
Good Day
 I did the  mount command      and I got this please look @ PIC
 I am in root , and root is on a complete  different hdd ,,  and i want to get to /Backups linux  on an other hdd
 after the mount command U can see that /Backups linux  is in /dev/sdc3   
 so i can get to /dev   BUT unable to get to /sdc3
 any help ??
 many thanks

Tutorials / Re: just some links
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:52:06 am »
Very useful site thanks much

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