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Messages - Wither121

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Learning how to hack
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:05:40 pm »
Thanks so much guys this helps A LOT!

Hacking and Security / Learning how to hack
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:59:02 am »
So... I'm kindaish new to hacking.... I know some SQL injections, php, I know HTML, i know how to SOMETIMES change website using notepad  and the page source and (again sometimes depending on a few things) how to get a password emailed to me... When i came to this page I felt kinda noobish seeing all these good hackers. Now I'll jump to the point. I need to learn how to hack...better. I dont know HOW to learn. That's where i'm stuck, I cant just google shit. I don't even know WHAT to google. when i went on i could do most of the basic missions and a few realistic ones but that's all. If i could train with someone, starting from my level and going up, that would e great. If anyone could tell me a website or something on where or how to learn to hack (for free) that would alos be great. Thanks!

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