okay thanks so website it is. I just got an idea as well though
would something like this explained in 2007, still be viable with php today with IE9?
http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/ie-pwns-secondlife/for those who dont want to read the whole thing, basically would it still be possible to use php to make it so it steals their passwords (since the clients you use to log onto the actual game, save your username and password) just by going to your webpage?
like could you use the webpage you made they are visiting to essentially make them attempt a login to the point where it sends their information to your page
then even maybe use the encrypted hash of a password you got and forge a request to the (offical) authentication server?
If this is all possible then I would definately go this route instead of hacking the website
lastly is there a way to check if this is still possible other than learning and trying it out first hand?