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Messages - Phaedrus

Pages: [1]
Found it on the Webs / Re: Useful CEH Ethical Hacking Vids
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:14:29 pm »
How come may I praise but: Nice, nice, nice ?!

Found it on the Webs / A Few Places For Book-eaters !
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:01:59 pm »
I'm just coming from 'eBook request' topic. As my first post here I like to share the following websites dedicated to ebooks. These are the first places I look for, and almost always I am successful. Here you are:
Dedicated to only IT books; very fast; unlimited downloads.
All of them are sisters; huge and rapidly increasing resources of everything (at the present nearly 2.5 million books are available); free users are limited to 10 (actually 9 !!) books per day.
Another great resource; however most of the books are outdated!

Pages: [1]