First and formost sorry for the delay in my response
secondly, what do you guy want me to fix ? i Know it is related to the formating but im unsure as to what about the formating you guys dont like
@ptales, cool i understand your point and we did take a long time discussing this but i just wanted to point this out for other people to look at so that they may understand my thoughts based on this comparison between human and computer systems. Its just a method of perception. I think computers have emotions and can be felt when you start interacting and analysing memory and software at the lower levels.
@acaan I would say its much more difficult to understand the human world than it is to understand the virtual one that we created. So thank you correcting me here.
TBH i would say that SE is a subset of psycology. Think about people that have a good understanding of the mind(human OS), they can literally hack it dude. That what physiologist do they patch vulnerabilities in the human OS.
>> << dude check this vid out it is pretty cool, just imagine that guy tag teaming with hacker. ARE F*CKING CRAZY; NO SYSTEM WILL BE SAFE 100%. Im sure you can launch a war head or something with his help.
Ok on the last point no understanding TCP/IP wont help you better understand SE but it will help you be able to try maybe improve your SE skills via knowledge tranfair.
An example if you are listening to someone and you dont nod or give eye contact or something. You engineering attempt might fail, but if you have an understanding of why acknowledgements are used in TCP/IP you will have an understanding of why you should node your head and keep eye contact.
"Computers are programmed to work and think in a specific way, computers are not AI" computers to certain degree are an extention of the human AI. You subcon mind and feeling and reaction are all pre programed pieces of code. The ego(the user) is the true you which is housed by the soul(OS/Mind) and the soul is housed by the flesh(Hardware).
"I do agree that Psychology plays a large role in Social Engineering, however Social Engineering is not defined as Psychology." Read what i said to acaan then maybe you may agree with me.
"It works as an analogy, but only to assist in describing how other functions can be related. " i agree with you there it works as analogy only but analogy are used to improve understanding in a simplified manner or to perform knowledge transference.
RSE is nice and good but on this topic i have a question i want to throw out to every and was the point of this post.
What would u say the morals are in relation to how far to take SE so for example in IRL and with interactions at work and in certain places. For me i found that the best way to secure my self is to operate as if im dealing with computing system, hence why i made the comparison.
So tell me peeps were do you believe the line should stop when SE'ing. One thing that normally get girl pissed is when you talk about SE to get sex ? or SE to get a job or SE to take advantage of some benifit like the ones the have in sweden