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Messages - DemonRZ

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: What do you eat?
« on: February 11, 2015, 08:59:52 pm »
We have here people all around the world from different backgrounds, believes, cultures. My questions to you are:

  • Are you vegan, vegetarian, meat-eater, fish-eater, raw food eater, fast food eater, etc?
  • Why do you eat the way you do?
  • What is your opinion about veganism?
  • What was your last meal?

Are you vegan, vegetarian, meat-eater, fish-eater, raw food eater, fast food eater, etc?
I eat anything that doesn't eat me first.

Why do you eat the way you do?
Because I grew up on Potluck and Ramen. I'm not picky, I take what I can get and I eat it until I get full.

What is your opinion about veganism?
How dafuq do you have energy? What about Steak?! Whats wrong with Steak?! TELL ME WTF IS WRONG WITH STEAK?!

What was your last meal?
Some random fish that the cooks thawed out early in the day, which had probably been frozen for atleast 3 months. Super seasoned with salt and other herbs and spices to give it some flavor. Mac-n-cheese that was actually the best part of the meal, it was warm, which was more than I could say for the rest of the meal. White Rice (Almost sticky rice) with no flavor, no soy sauce, and no hot sauce, was completely bland. (Perks of food where I work, lol, also no pics because where I work they won't allow USB Devices to be plugged into the computer)

Excellent! Great job on explaining everything, definitely helpful! +1

Operating System / Re: Hats off Bugtraq 2 (Blackwidow)
« on: February 07, 2015, 05:29:43 am »
Wow.. The hostility.

You need to take a chill pill and stop trying to pick fights. I was giving an honest opinion of your previous post, and if need be we can take this to PM to settle it.

Found it on the Webs / Re: A website to learn how to hack
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:19:33 pm »

There is also a few other websites:


Happy Hacking!

Operating System / Re: Hats off Bugtraq 2 (Blackwidow)
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:59:42 am »
@2460h1: I agree to an extent at what you are saying. Not knowing how to use the applications and just randomly typing in a command and getting a result is skiddie-ish, but the way you came off isn't beneficial for anyone.

The whole process of learning Hacking Suites is for beginner hackers to learn the basic practices of being a hacker, they are not expected to know right off the bat how to use everything, nor how to tweak a system to their liking. That comes with time and experience. After they have used a Hacking Suite, and decide they want to move up and learn more, THEN they can get a OS they are comfortable with, and hopefully, by that time, learn what packages they need and the ones they don't.

Criticism is good and all, but just the way you came off really annoyed me. I'm here to learn, teach, and to share, not to be belittled.

@geXXos Thank you for the info! I was planning on grabbing CCNA, CCNP later on this year, and your post is MOST helpful! Thank you!

Operating System / Re: Hats off Bugtraq 2 (Blackwidow)
« on: February 05, 2015, 06:11:27 pm »
M1lak0, I kinda wanna make a Laptop that has all the Hacking Suites, just so I can have a wonderful fully functional, all in 1 hacking machine.
Kinda feel like it's a bit much, but I think it would be a nice project.

Hacking and Security / Re: starting with Kali
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:54:52 pm »
L0aD1nG, thank you for clearing up that bug, will definitely help!
doppiamunnezza, That is correct, with monitor mode enabled you are unable to browse the internet. You are setup to capture "most" packets. Not to send any back out. (Unless Deauthing)

Well, like madf0x has been saying, we never think to look at what the people who were put into office what they do to keep that freedom intact.

I'm not saying its right, by ANY means, they probably do the same things we do as hackers, they research, and most likely bribe. Companies sell our information to the highest bidder, that's common knowledge, and think about who has all the money? The Government.

I approve of what Snowden did, yeah, it sucks that it had to be found out that way, and what they did to him, but he saw something wasn't right, and made a stand. I can applaud anyone for doing that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this, hacking in any form, can be wrong, and can be right, it all depends on what side of the spectrum you are on. You make the choice to do something, then You can accept the consequences, and that's what's happening to the NSA now. They're cover has been blown and are facing the consequences.

Operating System / Re: Hats off Bugtraq 2 (Blackwidow)
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:18:58 am »
I liked Bugtraq, and Kali is definitely a favorite of mine. I also got to use Arch for some time, I wasn't very adept at setting up Arch from the get-go, mainly because of the internet connection I had during the whole install and update process.

Are you running this via VM, or standard install?

Also have you tried using Gentoo, or Slax? Both of those are good distro's too. (I still HIGHLY recommend Kali)

Hacking and Security / Re: starting with Kali
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:10:02 am »
Don't forget to add this parameter:
Code: [Select]
When its needed, otherwise most of the commands, will not run properly or at all(airodump-ng, aireplay-ng).
If I am not mistaken this bug still remains.

L0aD1nG, is this in reference to when using airodump-ng and the Hosts are not associating with the BSSID?

Also, I do have to agree, there is no way to make a built-in adapter to initiate the commands to set the wifi adapter into monitor mode. Hardware alteration is not possible through a VM.

Here is a link for the best adapters to use for Kali:

Happy Hacking!

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