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Messages - KryDos

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Beginner's Corner / Re: Learning C or Python
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:25:20 pm »

I'm not. So yeah, but what language to begin with?

Choose randomly. There is no good or bad languages (except brainfuck, Moo or similar).

@OP: You don't look like you're a programmer, so I guess your best bet would be to learn coding first, and then focus on malware. Otherwise, you won't get any results.

or do you mean "how programs are executed by the CPU"
Exactly. Sorry, my English level don't allow me to express my thoughts correctly :(

And python has low-level-integration via ctypes etc.
It's needed mostly for Bindings and if you're going to use ctypes, it's better if you already know C.

I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to go with Assembler first, but....
Assembler as first language it's bad idea... yeah.

stop double posting

Beginner's Corner / Re: Learning C or Python
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:02:33 pm »
I can suggest you one language but someone can suggest another language... how do you planing to choose?

If you want to understand how programs are working you need to learn C. If you want to make program quickly and this program isn't intended to work with low level stuffs you can choose Python.

as I said, if you want to know how programs works you can choose C, but it's much better if you'll dive into Assembler.

General discussion / Re: Which linux distro is better for beginners?
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:38:26 pm »
thanks bro.yes in arch i have to add desktop environment myself

Actually you can try ArchBang which is already has Desktop environment.

arch, Debian or Opensuse?
From this list you definitely should choose OpenSuse. It already has DE and brilliant installer where you can select which functional parts you want to see in the installed system.

I won't start that conversation here, KryDos if you'd like you are free to post some perl source code or hwat have you in another thread and try and convert some non believers to your language :)

Excuse me about that.

PsychoRebellious, as HTH said, you should not use compiled language as scripting language. You can but it's not productive.

Python is awesome but, as for me, the main problem with this language it's syntax. If you used to it then it can be very hard to switch to language with "usual" syntax". Keep that in mind.

C++ is awesome too, but you have to use it if you know what you're doing, and of course if you're going to write, for example, html parser it would be much better if you'll select Python instead of C++.

Also. C++ is compiled and not crossplatform language (strictly speaking). If you compiled program on Windows and then will send it to me I will not run it because I'm on OSX (it will not run on Linux too).
But using Python, you can sketch a script and send it to everyone and if they have Python installed they will run your script. OSX and Linux have Python installed by default.

And maybe last thing... You have to understand the difference between compiled and interpreted languages. Compiled language makes program for your CPU and your CPU can read and execute this program. In case of interpreted languages (lets say Python) you have a script which executes on Python level (you can think about it as about Virtual Machine, like VirtualBox). Python is executing on CPU level but your script is executing on the Python level (it's not really truth but simplistically talking...)

The main point here is you have to understand that Python is slower than C++ and it can't be faster.
So, Python allows you to make programs faster and easier but this programs will be slower than C++ programs. C++ allows you to make fast programs but you can spend too much time to do this especially if you don't know C++ well.

And my suggestion:
Learn Python. You will be happy :)

Is perl better than python in terms of power and functionality? What's so special about perl!

It's not better. But it's also not worse.

Perl was my first programming language so I love it so much. But there are no good languages or bad languages. It's all depends from task which you're going to do.

Also, I think, any language could be bad/good, because of personal preferences. Similar to real life. You can not love blonde or brunette but it doesn't mean that blonde or brunette are bad, right?

I hope that for peoples who says that one language is better than another, already prepared special boiler in the hell.
All my text above, of course, does not apply to languages like Brainfuck or Moo or etc...

Every language is worth learning (except perl) because it expands your horizons.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Help with Hydra
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:40:58 am »
so when I set the HYDRA_PROXY variable I then continue normally with Hydra? I just write the rest of the syntax?

Yep. Why wouldn't try first?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Help with Hydra
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:25:18 am »
I have cygwin installed. How would I set the variable in cygwin?

as I described above
HYDRA_PROXY=http://super.proxy:80 hydra <options>

Beginner's Corner / Re: Help with Hydra
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:15:14 am »
Thanks for the help. I'm afraid I'm still having trouble. I googled how to set shell variables but I don't understand how to do it. I found this command: set variable_name=value. Am I supposed to use that in the command line and then start Hydra? I'm using windows. Any help is appreciated.
I don't know how to create cmd variable on Windows. I didn't use it about 8 years :( Maybe someone else will help you here.
But you can Install cygwin. It will make something similar to usual Linux shell for you.

Would you suggest QT for doing every day and every type of jobs with c++ ? Those include but are not limited to file handling, database management, networking, graphics, working with audios, and xmls and pdfs?

You can but you shouldn't. You have to understand that language (and framework) it's just a tool. С++, in our case, is a Swiss knife but anyway you shouldn't use it for every kind of tasks. If you're using one language or going to use one language for all kind of tasks, then you're stupid, sorry.

Sometimes it's better to write something using Python (Perl, Ruby, PHP) or if you need some simple multicore and concurrency then you can choose some functional language like Erlang (for networking), Clojure (or Common Lisp) or Haskell. 


@kryDos: I was talking about something more precise.

I can't copy/paste RFC. From programmer stand point you need to know how jpg container is organized.

QT is for GUI based windows/Linux/addyourfavOShere programs(correct me if I'm wrong).

You're wrong here. QT is a framework which has GUI classes and helpers but you can not use them. QT is brilliant framework and it has many many useful classes which you can use in CLI development.

what makes it different from a file of format gif?
I can answer this part, I hope somebody can answer other parts of you question...

So, jpg is a container. And there are lot of other containers (png, gif, etc). Each container has standard and in this standard you can find how to fetch something from the image, what is header, how you can change color of the pixel or of the whole image, etc...

It would be great if you can read this article in wikipedia - I found this article very useful. There also links to the RFC (standard).

So, to process image you need to know what kind of container it has. And then process it based on this information.

btw, in this article you also will see something which is called "magic number" of JPG. It means that first three bytes of the JPG image are special (FF D8 FF - in jpg case). It also means that even you will change extension of the jpg to, say, png it will not "convert" your jpg image to png. The magic numbers came from Unix world where extension do not describe the file type but magic number does.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Help with Hydra
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:49:17 pm »
You need to create HYDRA_PROXY variable first.

You can do this like this:
HYDRA_PROXY=http://super.proxy:80 hydra <options>

http://super.proxy - proxy domain
80 - proxy port
hydra <options> - hydra command with additional options

There are many others way to create shell variable. You can google about them.

Java / Re: Can't read some txt file
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:14:16 pm »
This won't help here, because the logic in the code is fine.
Also, that's a pretty lazy answer, you can tell everyone who has issues with a program.

Yeah, as I said I don't know java a lot. This is thing which I could say. Maybe it could be helpful.
And I still think that debug is helpful because OP could find that hasLine() returns false in case if file is still not ended. And then, knowing that hasLine() returns false, OP could write it here and we would try to understand why hasLine() couldreturn false.

But yeah, I will try to be more helpful in future...

C - C++ / Re: sockets programming: What's wrong with my code
« on: March 07, 2015, 07:45:49 pm »
You want to create p2p chat just for fun?

Because you already can use netcat :) it allows you to create server and client.

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