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Messages - miri

Pages: [1]
Hardware / Re: power suply or motherboard problem
« on: June 15, 2015, 06:18:35 pm »

I am in a dilemma because, I do not believe that has the problem mb.
because not made anything to it
but i think the psu is ok because the + 3.3 V +12v + 5v and others ore ok , wen i start psu with green & black  . i tested with a voltage meter

Hardware / Re: power suply or motherboard problem
« on: June 15, 2015, 06:09:41 pm »
no no the conektors are all ok
and i cant find any parts
coud it be the BIOS ?
i we remove and conect again all parts several times but still the same

Hardware / Re: power suply or motherboard problem
« on: June 15, 2015, 04:45:13 pm »
i we cheked and tryed all
i we konected all cablles corecly
i we removed my ram-s the procesor and hdd to
the votage of psu are ok
i we cleaned all the dusty
and still the same my pc dont give any sign i doesnt start at all
you know like there is no electricity but there is
please help

Hardware / power suply or motherboard problem
« on: June 14, 2015, 07:21:01 pm »
hi every one ! i need some help please ?

i head a problem with my power suply fan  and i replace it but now when i push power button nothink hapens
i cheked power suply conector and the vlotage its ok what coud be the problem
i dont know good but i dont think is mb porblem please help

Sorry for bad english

Beginner's Corner / Re: Useful sites to begin programming
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:53:17 pm » i find this very helpful

Pages: [1]