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Messages - Deque

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I finally took the time to read through your paper. Thank you for your writeup!

this file does not store any url data when a user browses the web in In-Porn Mode oops I made a mistake, its Incognito mode ( 8) )

Now I know what you do in your free time.  8)

Btw, do you have more grammars for Hexinator that are worth a share?

Great tool thank you.
After py2exe it run also under Windows

You can also just install Python on Windows  ???


Thanks for share.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Simplest possible "pacific" malware.
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:00:55 pm »
Hey JustSomeBrHUE.

Since this is a somewhat important project for school, you should get the terminology right first. Only then we will know that we actually talk about the same things.

(actually, I'm trying an worm)

A worm is a malware that spreads on its own via the network, often by using exploits or sending itself via email. This is not trivial to write and not so good to demonstrate to others. Furthermore, the risk of actually infecting and damaging the network is too high. Morris tried that too (creating a harmless worm) and it ended in a disaster, see
I strongly advise you against the creation of a worm.

A malware is only called virus if it infects other files. That means it will search for a host file and append, prepend or replace the host file's code with its own code (see file infection strategies in the image below). The resulting infected file is also infectious. The behaviour of host infection is similar to parasites in nature, which is why we call this kind of malware "parasitic". A virus makes sure to be executed again by infecting host files that are opened by the system or the user. E.g. the user opens the infected notepad.exe and the virus code will be executed this way. This is one way to get persistence.

But there are a lot of ways to gain persistence. The most usual ones by non-parasitic malware are the startup folder of Windows (everything in it will be run after login) and autorun entries in the registry. The most commonly used autorun entries are:


You can use regedit.exe or autoruns.exe to check these entries on your system and see how it looks like for programmes that use them. There are some of these entries on every system.

Anyways, what you need clear up is: What malware type shall it actually be: virus, worm, trojan, backdoor, ...?

Please note that creating an effective virus with powershell and batch is not possible. To be effective, it would have to infect host files that are often executed on the system and these are usually EXE and DLL files. You cannot put a batch script in those. Viruses are often written in C or assembly.
But maybe you don't need it to be effective. Afterall, it is a school project, and minimizing the risk of misusing your code would be a good thing to do. E.g. if you create a powershell virus that infects powershell source files, it would not be effective and the chance of misuse is very low, but it is enough to demonstrate how it works. ;)

I want a "pacific" virus, so it can't be harmful or cause any damage to the computer or files

A virus is always harmful. A virus modifies host files so that these host files become infectious themselves. This is considered damage, even if the payload doesn't do anything.
The same is true for a worm. It will spread to other machines without asking their owners. This is in itself harmful, even if you don't cause such problems as Morris did with his worm.

Do you have any questions?

That screenshot is from Detect It Easy (DiE).

Apart from that, there is RDG Packer Detector which also offers entropy scanning, but DiE seems to be the best.

Oh, I used DiE before, but I didn't see its Entropy features (for whatever reason). Thank you!

Trevor, could you please share the tool that you use for Entropy analysis? It looks quite useful and I haven't seen it before.

Well this situation doesn't need any special boot due to the fact that the ransom doesn't persists it self, but in other situation you can easly boot with other s.o in live mode and then change whatever you need!

It persists, adds itself to the RUN entry in the registry.

Great tutorial!
Just curious what you mean by this? "Antivirus detections contain BAT as platform." Meaning the AV detection is in a BAT file?

I mean detection names like these:

In this case it is actually a Batch file, but if you see these detection names on an EXE file, you can be quite sure that this is wrapped.

This is a badass analysis, Trevor. Thank you very much for sharing your solution. It was a pleasant read.  ;D

I appreciate your work really interesting and this post was so good so thank you for taking your time writing it for us!
The way i would restore the system is easy cause we have the source code, just by launching this bat part:
Code: [Select]
start explorer
reg Delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f > nul
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f > nul
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableCMD/t REG_DWORD/d 0 /f > nul
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoDesktop /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer/v NoControlPanel /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >nul
If we can't launch the batch script we can boot with diferent ways to modify registry entries.

This is correct. How exactly would you execute the batch code? You said you can boot with different ways. Which way would you use?

Projects and Discussion / Re: Rewriting the Zeus Botnet in Python!!
« on: February 19, 2016, 03:25:47 pm »
I know this is an old post, but it is a topic others will likely continue to read, and this is flat out wrong.
There are existing methods to do this for you, such as py2exe (

You should read the question BlueChill was answering to.  ???

Hacking and Security / Re: A couple of questions about key logging
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:49:40 am »
I have been doing research on key loggers, and am confused/curious about some things:

Most of the sites I have been reading say that the best way to have a FUD keylogger is to code your own and encrypt it using a crypter you code yourself as well.  They say that it is best to code the logger and the crypter in c and/or assembly .

A couple of sites said that coding the keylogger in python then compiling into an exe will throw off a lot of AVs....

I don't have much background in this kind of stuff, so I am confused about the seeming contradiction in information.
Is python a viable choice for key loggers and/or crypters?

There is the common misconception that programming the harder way (more low-level) is always better. Although it will serve to impress more people if you program everything in assembly, it is not necessarily the best option.

Especially if you are just starting out, you might just try what you can do with "easy" languages like Python and where the boundaries are. Learn it by doing it. You will discover it yourself. Assembly or C give you more control, but need more time and you will likely produce more bugs with them.

If you are not experienced, don't overthink the language for your project. Just do it. You need to learn, the project may likely fail, but that is normal. The learning should be your goal.

coding the keylogger in python then compiling into an exe will throw off a lot of AVs....

It will indeed, because not every AV is able to unpack the wrapped file. It is not always a matter of how hard it is to reverse engineer. These files are very easy to analyse, but if the technology for unpacking a particular wrapper is not there, the file cannot get a proper detection and might just be blacklisted.

Reverse Engineering / Re: [Beginner Challenge] Screen Locker
« on: February 09, 2016, 09:14:20 am »
Thanks Trevor. Great analysis. What I love about your posts is that you often use an entirely different approach than me. I can learn from your posts as well by just seeing more possibilities to go about it; like in this case restricting the screen locking area. Great idea.  ;D

Edit @everyone else: Feel free to try and find more approaches for disabling the screen locking.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Reflection
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:47:30 am »
compromising in the sense the softwares(especially security) that are not meant to be open source but they become one cause of reflection.
Does it mean that one can get the source code for almost all applications? And find the vulnerabilities Or just educate themselves?
What if one makes an app in the "reflective" languages and they don't want to give away the source code?

You don't get the original source code with decompiling. You get only something that comes close to it if you decompile .NET languages.
Most companies will prohibit reverse engineering. And additionally a lot of programs these days are obfuscated or packed to hide the source code from reverse engineers. That makes it harder to reverse engineer. But in the end, you have never a 100% protection from reverse engineering, no matter which language implementation you use.

Reverse Engineering / Re: [Beginner Challenge] Screen Locker
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:35:46 am »
When infected with this malware, do the following:

1. Close virtual machine

2. Start vm again

3. If that doesn't work reload using a snapshot or start from scratch

Is there an actual way to unlock the screen.
If so can you post solutions/answers, I'm new to malware analysis and reverse-engineering.

Restart does not help here (did you try?). Loading a new snapshot is not a solution. Unless you use remote monitoring, you cannot analyse the sample properly whilst the screen is locked. So how would you analyse the sample dynamically without the use of remote monitoring?

Or imagine a friend got infected by this screen locker on his or her actual machine (not VM). How would you help your friend to get rid of it (without reformatting)?

There are several solutions to unlock the screen, because this screen locker is not perfect and does not consider all  eventualities that the user might incorporate.

Note: In the first scenario (sample analysis) you have more possibilities to solve this, because you can prepare your analysis machine before you run the sample.
If so can you post solutions/answers, I'm new to malware analysis and reverse-engineering.

Feel free to get ideas from this thread:
Read the comments below the tutorial and you will find some ideas.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Reflection
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:06:16 pm »
Reflection (in the field of programming) is the ability that a program can see and modify the structure of its own code. This is mostly common for programming language implementations that are interpreted or compile to an intermediate language, e.g., Java which compiles to bytecode, and .NET languages which compile to MSIL. Here is a list of "reflective programming languages and platforms":

The tutorial you are referring to reverse engineers a .NET application and uses a popular decompiler called .NET Reflector --> this is just the name of that decompiler.

What do you mean with "compromise the source code"?

Found it on the Webs / The Malware Museum
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:05:38 pm »

The Malware Museum is a collection of malware programs, usually viruses, that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers. Once they infected a system, they would sometimes show animation or messages that you had been infected. Through the use of emulations, and additionally removing any destructive routines within the viruses, this collection allows you to experience virus infection of decades ago with safety.

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