I really appreciate you guys taking your time to help me point me in the right direction and also giving me programs to get acquainted.
To Kulver: I understand that it's impossible to retrace the hacker the next day, I was intending to set it up so that he would do it again, making it possible for me to get his IP maybe through Zonealarm. But getting his IP with my skills do about next to nothing lol. Also, since I was on a school computer and not my own, there wasn't really that I could do about it.
To Xzid: I really appreciate your suggestions and will get started as soon as I can. Just so many things to learn all at once. I just need need to pick something and get started, guess that's how everything else is done in life also though
. Was wondering if you have any recommended links to reading and/or tutorials that go in depth that could possible cut down the searching time, would be highly appreciated.