Hacking and Security / Re: Where to begin?
« on: October 15, 2011, 07:27:14 pm »
Thank you, all this is helping me loads on finding a direction. I do know C++ and have started reading up on python. Personally i want to experience linux as ive heard a lot of great reviews. Personally i feel like beginning with python because ive heard its easier than C/C++ which i like but C++ gets mighty complicated for me later on. I studied HTML basics in school too so touching up on that shouldnt be that hard and i love basically all aspects of computers (networking, programming etc) and want to learn them all at some point. I guess the basic problem is knowing what topic to go into what amount of detail (networking, programming, scripting, etc) But i think ive gotten a fair idea of how to begin.
Thankyou so much for your time
Thankyou so much for your time