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Messages - masterofdisaster

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Where to begin?
« on: October 15, 2011, 07:27:14 pm »
Thank you, all this is helping me loads on finding a direction. I do know C++ and have started reading up on python. Personally i want to experience linux as ive heard a lot of great reviews. Personally i feel like beginning with python because ive heard its easier than C/C++ which i like but C++ gets mighty complicated for me later on. I studied HTML basics in school too so touching up on that shouldnt be that hard and i love basically all aspects of computers (networking, programming etc) and want to learn them all at some point. I guess the basic problem is knowing what topic to go into what amount of detail (networking, programming, scripting, etc) But i think ive gotten a fair idea of how to begin.
Thankyou so much for your time :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Where to begin?
« on: October 15, 2011, 04:11:16 pm »
Thanks for that, though i have to say im a noob here, but i have experience in basics of C++ (arrays, etc). Each new article i read on the internet gives a new starting point, from starting with python first, to linux or HTML. I kinda wanted to narrow it down as to where to start and then im sure i can find my way.
Thanks again, much appreciated :)

Hacking and Security / Where to begin?
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:17:29 pm »
Hello everyone,
Well ive been reading around trying to find some direction as where to begin learning. So far, thanks to an extremely informative post from seci, i learnt a lot of the basics. I feel interested in software exploitation (how it works). The fact is there are way too many articles online, many that are contradictory to each other as to where to begin from. i was thinking maybe someone here can guide me specifically, e-books on specific topics would be greatly appreciated.

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