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Messages - dclaymd

Pages: [1]
assume= ass outta you and me (in this case just you)......i need someone who isn't a pessimistic asshole and who is willing to answer a question without assuming the worst.  Everything is above board i shouldn't have to explain myself again. I just need direction...............btw this guy ^ 29 posts and he is an snob?? is that really how this  works??

i need help on how to use the slave/zombie computers' cpu speed for my own discretion.....It seems that most hackers understand what im saying when i use the analogy of hypothetically using slave computers' processing speed to increase a program like aircrack-ng to crack more keys per second......Please help, from my research i would need a .sql database from which all my computers would divide and use......Moscrack needs a better tutorial and i'm desperate for the answers

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