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Messages - appleasandoranges

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Monitor Mode
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:16:59 am »
Hello, I'm trying to run monitor mode from Kali Linux. Every time I do, the process runs for about 10 minutes then freezes completley. This has happened about 20 times in a row and Ive rebooted every time.  Does anyone know why monitor mode keeps freezing or what one can do to prevent this in order to successfully crack wifi?

Beginner's Corner / Enable wireless adapter using kali linux
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:18:00 am »
Please use the following template:


I just bought a 'TP-LINK' brand 'TL_WN722N' wireless adapter to use for kali linux. When I run 'airmon-ng' I get the following terminal output:

root@kali:~# airmon-ng

Interface   Chipset     Driver

wlan0       Unknown     mac80211_hwsim - [phy0]
wlan1       Unknown     mac80211_hwsim - [phy1]


My goal is to follow the airmon-ng tutorial on the kali website. I beleive the first step here would be to enable usb support on my virtual box. Can someone help this user successfully find the chipset?

[Things I have tried]

Using the terminal to add a vitualbox usergroup

[Where I am stuck]

I'd like an official step by step process to successfully locate this wireless adapter and user it via 'airmon-ng'

Pages: [1]