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Messages - xsysudo

Pages: [1]
@OP you can also send the handshake to me via direct message and I'll be more than happy to give it a shot

PM failed. Not sure if I can post the link of the cap file here... Valid for 48h

Beginner's Corner / Re: Help me learn about networking
« on: September 29, 2015, 02:00:35 pm »

Take a look at this gret site, lots of IT ebooks free.
And this one seems to by appropriate for you :)


I've got Aircrack running on a intel i5 plus GeForce GTX 430 and 8GBDDR for almost 3 weeks and still nothing... The dic file is the generic "acdcdictionary.txt" 27GB.

Maybe i should get other appropriate dic file for local and nacional Portuguese words but can't find it any... Any links to get more custom dic wordlists?

Also tried on some free online has crack sites like and but no results.

I know i must be patient but the i am beginning to lose hope on this one.
Reaver locks the router after some attempts, even with --ignore-locks -d 61 commands.

BTW the equipment is a TECHNICOLOR TG784n V3 from Vodafone Portugal.


Hi everyone. I'm new here.
Need some suggestions on cracking a wpa2 handshake capture:
Reaver failed wps pins but I got de handshake cap file using wifite. That's it. Already tried a lot of dictionaries on aircrack lots of time wasted and nothing... any more ideas?

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