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Messages - mohsentux

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Hacking and Security / Top books you would suggest about hacking?
« on: November 09, 2015, 10:24:44 pm »
hi I'm really new at this so i need guidance so i was thinking : What are the Top books you would suggest about hacking?

Hacking and Security / Re: trying to collect all my modem's files
« on: October 04, 2015, 12:05:26 pm »
You're talking of uncapping -

I don't know for what sane reason you're trying to do that for - but you're probably going to have your internet terminated for it.

You'd probably have better luck at a forum such as haxorware for this sort of thing. And you'd want to use a Motorola modem. Nowadays, you should be able to get unlimited internet anyways, and I was saving this for the end but you can't uncap an ADSL/2 modem - the speed is more due to the physical distance/condition of the copper to your house/unit. So get cable/fibre.

FYI i live in iran. they sell the most expensive internet at the highest price in the world. and of course there are no cable here. my only alternative is to uncap my internet for better speed. my current speed is about 80/KB (yes lower than even 1 Mbit/s) but it can go up to 10 Mbit/s if i manage to uncap it.

Hacking and Security / Re: trying to collect all my modem's files
« on: October 04, 2015, 12:00:00 am »
hypothetically speaking let's say i was able to modify the modem's firmware. how exactly would that help? what information are instored in a modem's firmware?

unfortunately i didn't find much data about my modem's model i could exploit. by the way here are the specs:

Modem brand:      D-Link
Modem model:      DSL-2730U
Firmware version: ME_1.07
Firmware date:    Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:33:21

                       brand             model
Processor       REALTEK         RTL8672-VE-GR
ADSL               REALTEK         RTL8271B-VR-GR
RAM memory      Hynix           HY5DU561622ETP-5
Flash memory    MXIC            MX25L6445EM2I-10G

Hacking and Security / Re: trying to collect all my modem's files
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:27:13 pm »
so far I've been able to get the files from my modem's flash with tftp but unfotunately i can only do it one file at a time >:(

but now that's besides the point. the reason i wanted my modem's files was to change my internet connection settings to my liking. but now i understand that modem receives the file when trying to establish a dsl link with isp (if I'm not mistaken) . i need THAT file so i can edit it to my liking then I'll have to fool the modem and give it my file instead of isp's and when dsl link has been established I'll connect the modem to telephone and enter my user and pass so it connects to isp but with my settings. 8)

my problem so far is:

i don't know how to intercept the dsl connection and get that file.
and i don't know if it can be extracted from modem.

any suggestions?

Hacking and Security / trying to collect all my modem's files
« on: October 03, 2015, 03:52:54 am »
I'm trying to get all the files from my modem via telnet using tftp.after i connect to modem via telnet i write sh command which put's me in the root folder. from there when i write tftp command i get the following message:

BusyBox v1.6.1 (2013-07-19 18:23:03 CST) multi-call binary

Usage: tftp [OPTION]... HOST [PORT]

BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. i wanna take advantage of that and retrieve all files that are stored in my modem's flash memory.

my problem is i have no idea how to work with tftp.

now i want to get all the files from "/" (which is the root) using tftp since i understand it has a get command but i don't know how to do it. what's the solution? is there a better way? is using tftp the wrong way to do it?

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