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Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Searching for a Haking Tutorial
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:02:06 pm »
Honestly I'd say buy it, this will tell you alot about where the registration is and how it activates.

Take a look on the forum for xor's post. He has a couple open source keygens which might help

Can you take a look to the bot and so help me to understand how to reverse?

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Searching for a Haking Tutorial
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:33:59 pm »
I just have to crack a .exe in .net but i have some problem

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Searching for a Haking Tutorial
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:07:07 pm »
He not reply to me

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Searching for a Haking Tutorial
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:57:30 pm »
Hello. Recently i downloaded a bot for an online game. Its perfect in every function. The bot needs a register key wich can be buyed for 30euros. I tried to make a keygen but cant make it. I have spent many days trying to do it and reading over and over again manuals and assemble modifications.  I have cracked some easy programs but even a novice like me can say that it is diffucult.

I know many ppl that tried but noone could do it. Thats the reason that there is no keygen or crack on the internet and i am looking for some help. If anyone could give some advice or if someone could do it for me i would appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

somebody know a how to guide i can use for my aim?

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