Circuits, electricity, transistors, resistors capacitors… The hardware size of electronics I think is much simpler and smaller than the software side of computers in my opinion, but there is a lot to learn for a beginner before you can even start to comprehend how a computer can do what it can today. The internet can certainly teach you a lot about electronics but I found that as I taught myself, I often wasn’t sure where to start with a subject or where to look next. So I decided to put this collection of useful educational sources and tools for working with electronics and hardware.
Start here:
This is the core of all circuitry design and electronics we know today. Learn it like the back of your hand. - Read as much as you can about stuff on this page if you dont understand - really simple but easy to understand
(Wanna go really deep?) with videos 1-6
After you’ve got some basic knowledge; I’d advise learning as much about different circuit components and their function, you should also learn how to read schematics now. guy from make is a peculiar one… taking electronics apart. You’d be surprised how deep you can go with a philips screwdriver.
Wanna Design your own circuit? if you're an autocad user: Channels? a specific Part: Google)
Wanna do some parts shopping? if you’re a book kinda person’s free Ebook is pretty good too: good ideas? me know if I missed something you think should be added!