Cool, another fluidly flou what's a hacker topic. First of all, I'll start by defining black/white/grey hats, from my point of view. That thought is dynamic. I mean… when I am angry (which is extremely rare, I'm just making an example), I want to wreck things. But if you want to be gentleman, professional and a correct human being, you wont fuck ( sens figuré ) nor destroy. It all depends on your style, your morals and your brain. If you like to wreck shit, you fuck if you don’t, then you’re good and you don’t fuck. It’s like saying “Do you like good or evil?” I’m a little mixed about that. Sometimes I would love to break some peoples’ noses, sometimes I love boobs and want to fuck girls.
Being a lamer and being leet to me is nonexistent, that is something made up by the skids that wanted to label people. Just like being black, white or arab exists. Being leet is way back in the old days. People would be elite board members, nowadays I don’t think it should even exist. That was just an extra group name in the past… it failed and for some reason people say that they’re elite to this day. I like to keep things simple. People suck or they don’t. Black hats are evil, White hats are good, as simple as that
Most white hats tend to be borderline gray hats really… not many white hats are pure good except for the Christian Jesus lovers.
What the fuck is a hacker then ? I really think I should evite talking about this. It is just a little bit too confusing. Is it a name ? A statue ? An achievement or simply a being. Can we become one or, are we born one ? Every definition here and there are contradictory and beat each other up. Some say that you can become one, but it requires a certain way of thinking, a philosophy. Some just say you're born a hacker, just like if you're born smart or dumb. Like a wiseman once said : '' What I really know, is that I know nothing ''.
What I'm certain of, is that I'm not a hacker.