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Messages - NaiXION

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Lol virus
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:23:55 am »
LOL  :o

.NET Framework / CSocket Master
« on: August 10, 2012, 07:15:52 am »
Hi all.. I was making a program right now with winsock, but the problem is my program cannot run on a computer which dont have winsock or winsock installed, so I started to code it with csocket master, my problem is, i cannot put the index. In winsock i can just code = "winsock(0).connect" or set the winsock index = "0"  but how can i do in csocketmaster ? Please help. Thanks in advance :)

Found it on the Webs / Simple Math
« on: July 23, 2012, 10:08:24 am »
Once upond a time there's a boy call Snow White and he lend 50 dollars from his father and another 50 dollars from his mother :)
And when he pass by a shop, he was attracted by a pair of sport shoes which was tagged 97 dollars, and he bought it :)
He was very happy with what he has, now he left only 3 dollars, he kept 1 dollars, and pay his father 1 dollars, and his mother 1 dollars also :)
afterall, when he add all sum together and he find that 1 dollars is missing :( so where is the 1 dollars, can you guys help him ? :)

Pages: [1]