Hello, do anyone have any information about ZTE F601 optical changer with one internet port ? I don't know administrator password, I can't telnet to it, I couldn't find how to restore these passwords, no original firmware found online, in general only very little info is available. Bruteforce is out of question, cause every 3 login window closes for 60s. I could guess simple user(no write access) name/password it's user/user
. Please take a look at the screenshots I'm providing. Please give me some solution to this problem. Software version is : V1.0.0P1T8, boot loader : V1.0.0P1T8
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/ZTE-GPON-terminal-ZXA10-F601-FTTH-or-FTTO-GPON-ONU-With-one-ethernet-ports/530255731.html?tracelog=back_to_detail_aSo I can't set any rule,enable/disable with this simple user account.
BTW, do you notice how firewall protection is OFF by default ?