I think you are not familiar with the term "hacker".
Click here to find who an hacker is.
Then you'll come to know is it a good thing or a bad thing.
Im afraid its you who seems to be the confused one. This has nothing to do with the definition of a hacker, or good hackers or bad. but the community/society of hackers and the fact that we tend to fight amongst ourselves a LOT. so why add something that is unnecessary to further divide people. To me a symbol is just that:a symbol. Often it gets misused and abused. Also considering the general intellect present in our society such things tend to loose much meaning to start with. To me what has meaning and shows solidarity much more is when a group of highly intelligent people rally to someone's defense When they put aside such petty things as a symbol, or labels like blat hat, or white hat and work towards a common cause. THAT is the part of the community i love. Good example for this:the community's response to sonys BS vs ge0hot.
In other words im saying as with all symbols it will eventually become a polarizer. It will force a side, and those on the "other" side will tend to be lumped together and a general view of wrongness/badness will begin to be felt towards this other "group" that isnt part of their group, and therefore wrong/bad/evil. Considering all the examples of this very thing that could be pulled from society, or hell the amount of papers written on the subject, i see this more of a certainty of human nature rather than a mere possibility.
all of that being said, i was asking what your views on that opinion were, and what your thoughts on the symbol were. NOT whether you think i qualify as a hacker or some crap like that. this was ment to be a discussion. not a forum for bashing others or reposting someone else's thoughts on the matter, let alone the guy who came up with the symbol.
also i find it funny that you think posting a different part of catb as a response, when ive already linked to it to be rather pointless. Obviously i know the site, or i wouldnt have already used it. Im not trying to come off as an ass or anything, perhaps i shouldnt have put this paragraph in at all. but im still angry enough at having to downgrade my linux distro to have a hope in hell of installing on my new box, not to mention the fact that this project has taken 6 hours more than it should have already just to get a OS on that meh, im in a bad mood.
@deque yeah i wasnt really trying to get into the whole skid side of things with this, though obviously its bound to pop up with them. Like i stated till a year or so ago i had never heard of this, i ran across a reference to it in an article, so started reading up on it, then found out it had links to the hacker culture, because well some guy decided it should. while i think its a very interesting subject, i dont really agree with his rationalization that its the perfect hacker symbol simply because of the time frame of when it came out. but again even aside from such things my issues stem much more from the fact that it IS a symbol rather than what symbol is used.
*heh two posts while writing this...onto #2
@novacygni yeah i mention some more about humans need to belong above this, my issue isnt with human nature(then again it is!) but with a symbol being used. its much harder to abuse an idea, to twist and warp it, than it is an out and out symbol. A symbol becomes an automatic "oh your one of the GOOD guys, not like those other heathens." wheras without that symbol you have to actually stop and you know TALK to the other person to find out what kind of person they are. If you dont follow a symbol(to me) you tend to have a much more open mind, even about those following one. Id rather be connected and belong to someone(or something) because of a shared belief or thought process than simply "belong" because we wear/use the same symbol.
Also i completely agree on the being born part. i was i think 6 when the wooden toolset my dad gave me for xmas got used to take apart our rainbow vacuum cleaner because well i wanted to see how it worked. Only issue was i couldnt get all the rubber bands back on it correctly. oops. But because my dad knew that he himself was the same way at that age so my only punishment was "dont take apart something if your not sure you can put it back together"