Okay I see. Thanks for answering my question as I was definitely unsure.
What programming language should I learn?
C and C++ seem to be pretty important. How do I go about learning them?
If you think you are up for it, I would go C/++ and Assembly in combination with Python or Perl(or both), PHP and bash. That will take you like 5 years. Have fun. No seriously tho, that wont be over in a day or even 50. Work your way up and learn what you need to learn because of your projects, not because you are reading a book from a to z.
Personally I rarely use anything else than PHP and C++ but the occasional Perl, Python, javascript, bash and even C# do happen.
Maybe the most important thing to learn is to program, not to write syntax. Learning how to write correct and good code takes ages. Learning how to write in a correct syntax is easy.
http://www.learncpp.com/ and
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ (the two very first results at google for "learn c++") should be enough for now.