Yeah I know there are so many different ways to approach it! It's causing me to feel lost on what to do!
I need guidance! Lol
C++ = C + oop extension and pretty makeup lol
Just get the basics done first ... like operators, basic types, functions, parameters, then hit arrays, matrix, lists, try learning basic algorithms (you need this in any programming language), learn a sorting method or 2, take a look on graphs for general knowledge, try out recursion, backtracking, learn about different approaches (basic C) ..... then if you have a thing for oop study objects, classes, containers, design patterns and such (and thats c++) or if you wanna have fun with network connections, ip addresses, sending packs etc learn about processes, fork(), zombies, daemons, threads, sockets, UDP, TCP , client/server apps, peer-to-peer appls etc etc ... So many possibilities lol
You're gonna find these in any programming language, master them in C/C++ and you're gonna master them anywhere. You definitely get a first hand encounter with the "behind the scenes" in C/C++ rather than using any other high level language.
Ofc if you wanna be more hands on (and probably somewhat masochistic for a newbie in programming), learn assembly