I'm feeling very overwhelmed at this point. Currently, I'm in school attempting to achieve my Network Specialist Certificate(Network Security Associates without all the random bullshit required classes). Now, there's three classes that I take which are meant to prepare me for the certs.
Network Essentials - Prepares for the Network+ Cert
Certified Ethical Hacker - Prepares for the CEH cert
Security+ Prep - Take a guess
Now I've already completed the Network Essentials class. I'd have to get the actual certificate on my own at a testing facility, so I don't have the Network+ cert yet because as soon as I finished the class I had to start other ones, so I've had no time to prepare for the Network+ cert yet. Obviously none of these classes will actually award me with the real certs. I have to get those on my own time.
I'll get to the point. I want to get CCNA certified at the very very least. I would also be interested in getting CEH certified, despite the fact that so many of you talk shit about Certified Ethical Hacker courses. On top of that I had hoped to get my Net+ and Sec+ certs as well. As I've said I'm feeling very overwhelmed, and I feel that I have to time to achieve any of these certs because as soon as the class is over I have to start another class and at this point it feels like I'm never going to get certified in anything. So here's my questions:
I know some of you here are CCNA certified. I'm interested to know how long it took you to get said certificate. How long did you study for it? What materials did you use?
And my most important question at the moment: Should I bother trying to get the Net+ or Sec+ certificates if I plan to get CCNA certified? I'm under the impression that being Net+ certified and CCNA certified is somewhat redundant.