Author Topic: Breaking in to Security - Conclusions, by Robin Wood  (Read 680 times)

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Breaking in to Security - Conclusions, by Robin Wood
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:00:27 am »
I found this interesting article written by R. Wood at his site, is the result of an online research he done (the questionnaire is still here) . It answers a lot of eternal questions that newcomers usually have.   

At least once a month, sometimes more frequently, I get asked one of the following questions:

"I'd like to get a job in security, how do I get started?"
"What programming language do I need to learn to be a penetration tester?"
"What certification should I get?"

I usually try to answer these but doing it individually is inefficient, time consuming and, even if I try not to be, I'm naturally biased - I'm a web developer, program in Ruby and have two GIAC certificates my answers will be quite different to an ex-sys-admin who writes scripts in bash and has a CEH. So I figured why not poll the community and try to get definitive answers to these questions, this way when people ask I'll be able to point them at the data and let them decide for themselves. This article will attempt to summarise these results and acts as a companion to the talk I gave at BSides London 2012.

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Re: Breaking in to Security - Conclusions, by Robin Wood
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 11:21:55 am »
Interesting article, tanks for sharing! It should indeed help answer all the questions.
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Re: Breaking in to Security - Conclusions, by Robin Wood
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 03:04:11 pm »

Lol Yes the article is really nice Thanks for the share +1
