I just started out learning C a few months ago and created a crackme for you guys today! Try your luck and find the secret number, of course you are allowed to patch the file or modify it in any way, but understanding and tracing the assembly is the fun part of such a challenge.
The file is written in C (duh), compiled on my Linux 64-bit machine, for 32bit and 64bit.
Good luck reverser, if you'd like to see the source feel free to drop me a pm, I'll send it to you asap. Please do NOT post the secret number here so that everyone can give it a try. If you want to 'prove' you solved the puzzle you are free to drop me a message or shout 'I ARE LEET I SOLVED THIS' in this thread. once again, good luck and enjoy!
Edit: Thanks to Factionwars, Teddy, rba and s3my0n for cracking this challenge and pointing out that the 32bit version was broken. Sorry about that, I made a mistake in the code which didn't show up on the 64bit version of it, after running the 32bit version and passing the correct number it showed the bad boy!
Below you can find the updated binary, sorry for the inconvenience.
Download Crackme01