You're seriously suggesting he use Python's C API to process fucking command line arguments?
What the fuck?
Anyway, OP, I'd recommend looking into getopt (honestly) or boost::program_options. Your code doesn't seem to compile on GNU/Linux.
You should look into refactoring your event loop though, something like this, perhaps?...
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
switch(argc) {
case "-m":
// so on and so forth...
Having all these redundant command line styles is an antipattern, anyway. You should only stick to one well defined style (usually the typical hyphen), so as to maintain consistency and clarity.
getopt is still the standard for C/++, you can also try more basic if-else if blocks as documented here.
*rolls his eyes*
You realize argc is the argument *count* not the arguments?
argc should not be equal to a string period and your code should NOT compile. Furthermore, switch statements can ONLY use things which can be converted to numbers and a string "-m" cannot be. This is why you never see double quotes, only single quotes in switch statements because single quotes specify a character which is an integer value. If you want to use a switch statement you first have to parse out the '-' then you can compare the short hand but if you also want long hand (--example) then you need to use if statements or some combination. Also if you're using C, don't fucking use python. If you want to use python, use python but don't use a slow, interpreted, scripting language in something as fast as C.
argv[0] is the program name w/ execution path
argv[1] is the first argument etc.
argc == 1 means no arguments
argc == 2 means one argument, etc.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int i;
for (i = 0;i < argc;i++)
if (strncmp(argv[i], "-m", 2) == 0)
// has -m option
// etc.