Author Topic: Why good hackers make good citizens  (Read 1403 times)

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Re: Why good hackers make good citizens
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2014, 11:01:51 am »
This will probably be my last response to you, as your debate "skills" are not very engaging, and your personality is not very likable. You seem to have an emotional reaction when someone criticizes government as if they were criticizing your mother's cooking or something. Don't worry, it doesn't make you special, it's extremely common.

Gee your right i have no clue what these words mean! i know wiki can help!Ok so now that we have anarchy out of the way lets examine the concept! Which is what i was trying to have you do to start with, but like most morons if not led to water, then shoving their face into it, they will never figure out that hey this is water! So why anarchy, no matter what idiotic definition you try to apply to it is fucking retarded. is that at the end of the day its no different than saying "gee it would be nice if everybody got 3 rainbows and 2 unicorns for free!" the fact that one cant hold onto/own a rainbow, and that unicorns dont exist is very pertinent to the analogy of why anarchy is such a fucking retarded ideology. But more on this later.

I explained to you that Anarchy is the absence of hierarchy, explained to you what hierarchy is, and explained to you that, in human terms, the existence of hierarchy is usually very bad. If you wish to respond to my comments, perhaps you should read them and respond to them, rather than linking to a wikipedia page.

First off before i continue my above point i will sum up the entirety of what you just said:Violence is ALWAYS bad, i want to smoke weed but its against the law, because i want to do something and cant, this means my rights are being violated, and it is morally wrong! Just as wrong as rape and murder! I'm a child who wasnt breastfed and have serious control issues, especially when it comes to shitting myself.(ok so the last part im reading between the lines for)

This is one of those times in your life where you're being a fucking douche bag. Is the fact that I detest violence so personally insulting to you that you have to engage in childish comments like this? It's pretty sad.

Yes, using violence to get what is wanted out of other people is always bad, and immoral, as it is a violation of their rights, and just incites more violence, or negative behaviors, of which you are no stranger to.

The funny thing is the ENTIRETY of what you posted, flat out ignores every point i was making in my first post, which doesnt surprise me. However instead of giving you some things to look into on your own, which you are obviously incapable of, i will spell everything out for you.

point #1: No matter the ideology one core fact about such things is that they ignore human nature. Its why communism doesnt work, why anarchy is ALWAYS bad, and a big part of why their is so much bloodshed in the world.

So you are of the opinion that humans are inherently violent. Why then should we create a hierarchy giving certain humans more opportunity to use violence against others with reduced possibility of negative repercussions? If humans are bad, why give one a badge and a gun and the authority to lock people in cages? Let me guess, people are bad so we need a government made up of people to protect us from people are bad so we need a government made up of people to protect us from people are bad so we need a government made up of people to protect us from people....

point #2: not all conflict/violence is bad. This is that retarded newage bullshit that somehow people have started believing. the entire UNIVERSE is conflict. It's why couples therapists think its bad not only when a couple "fights" too much, but not at all as well! We are SUPPOSED to feel strongly about things, when you do, and someone doesnt this starts anything from a discussion, to an argument, to blows, to death. however this is how we as humans learn and addapt or thoughts and feelings to others. Wishing this to go away is just that, a wish. Not to mention a big part of what makes us human.

There is a lot of conflict in the universe, that's true. And there's a lot of conflict among humans. The question is, what is the best way for humans to deal with conflicts among each other? Rationally and peacefully, or irrationally and violently? It seems to me that you reject the former, and only recognize the latter. As such (combined with your inability to have a discussion without calling someone a breastmilk starved bed shitting baby) this will be my last response to you.

point #3: "all wars/conflict are because of ev0l governments." then what is a rebellion if not a war of the people against a system of belief/ideology. Matter of fact the body count from REBELLIONS is close if not higher than that from wars of conquest.* If your going to try and use history to argue that "governments" are horrible because of the body count, then so is rebelling! thats right just take whatever bad people want to do to you because otherwise people will die! GUESS WHAT WE ALL DIE! At least some of us have stood for something.

Generally rebellions are individuals rising up to defend their rights against people in government who are violating them. Defending yourself is entirely acceptable, violating other people's rights is not.

*citation needed

point #4:likening you wanting to smoke weed to an atrocious act like rape shows just what kind of selfish fuckhead you are.

I wasn't try to explain to you how being arrested for smoking weed is equal to or worse than being raped, I was trying to explain to you, through multiple examples, of how using violence against someone and forcing them to do something without their consent is morally wrong, and a violation of their rights, no matter what, and what makes is wrong, is the element of consent. If someone voluntarily consents to something, they are choosing of their own free will, and their rights are not violated. If someone is violently forced to do something without their consent, their free will is being violated, their individual sovereignty is being violated, their rights are being violated, no matter what. I ask you to go golfing with me and you voluntarily do, your rights aren't violated. I force you to at gun point or threat of imprisonment and you do for fear of the repercussions, it's a violation of your rights. It's really that simple. Given your behavior in this thread though, I can see how you might have trouble understanding it.

point #5: assuming anarchy, hey your prick ass can smoke weed now. wee! your "rights" are no longer being violated. but stipulating the point that ones self is the highest athority i decide its my right to shoot you in the face till it stops being funny. Dont worry no cops to stop me.

"But who will build the roads? How will we have ANYTHING without the government providing it for us? I just can't even imagine. Oh the horror! Curse my limited imagination and closed mind!!!"

point #6:(and where we start getting into the start of my diatribe against anarchy/your idiocy) Humans will form groups, someone will lead that group. Whether we are looking at a country in total and complete anarchy, or some hill tribe from somewhere back in history, their is a leader. The question then becomes how did that leader get their? Did he(or sometimes she) get their through force, through subjugation of the people around him(or her) or by a process in which everyone got a say? aww you didnt get the one you wanted you were the "minority" TOUGH SHIT. Stop crying like a 2 year old that didnt get to play with the doll you wanted too. At least you GOT a say in the matter.

Stop posting like a chimpanzee that just had it's banana taken away.

You say you have a say in the matter in a Democracy? Do you really? What if you were to say you want no part of it and you don't consent to following it's outcomes? Would that matter? Of course it wouldn't. You're fucking delusional. The government doesn't represent you and you have absolutely no say at all. Your opinions, wishes, and desires mean jack fucking shit.

point #7: with no group (payed for by everyone) exists to protect the group from minorities or other groups what you think/say/feel/etc doesnt matter. because they have the bigger gun, OR often times simply the advantage of initiative.

What I think and say and do absolutely does matter, it matters in my own life, and matters to myself. If I want to buy a farm from someone that wants to sell me one and pretend I'm Old McDonald, I can do that. If I want to swim in the ocean and sleep on the sandy beach, I can do that. If I want to go kidnap and rape someone though, I can't do that, because that person has things that they want to do in their life. I can't do anything to anyone without their consent. You apparently don't have respect for other people in this way. All you care about is government maintaining dominance over exploited citizens. All you care about is sacrificing yourself and others for your masters. Do you recognize that this human trait that you cling to is inherited from the great apes? We humans are apes, of course, and we still have this behavior. This tribalism. It's unbecoming, and you should really just let it go.

Did you ever see 2001: A Space Odyssey? If so, do you remember the opening scene with the two groups of monkeys? It's this one here ...

What you should do is just imagine the black monolith as an advancement in technology, and imagine there's a shit load more monkeys, more groups of monkeys, and instead of bones, the technology is computers and drones and all sorts of advanced things. That's pretty much us humans here and now on Earth, and insead of realizing that we're all just one species on a little rock out in the middle of nowhere in space among an infinite amount of possibilities, we separate ourselves into groups and convince ourselves that all the other monkeys in all the other groups want to come kill us all.

FUCKING DROP IT. You're doing just that shit right here in this very thread. You're a fucking monkey dumb ass, drop it. We humans are all one species, we all do the same stupid fucking bullshit, fall victim to the same stupid bullshit thoughts and beliefs, and by doing whatever we can to fuck other monkeys into the dirt before they fuck us into the dirt, all we're doing is fucking each other to death into the dirt, and fucking the dirt itself with our polluted and traumatized selves. We go about doing whatever it takes to please the me in the here and now and don't give a fuck at all about what the ramifications are for other people, animals, and the Earth. It's time to move beyond being fucking monkeys. It's past 2001.

The reason for a police force/military/laws IS to protect the majority of society. THIS IS A GOOD THING! Because in this case the "minority" isnt black people, or women, but people that want to steal your shit, rape you or murder you(etc).

The government steals shit, and murders people all the time. That's actually a pretty close summarization of everything government does. Do you think taxes aren't theft? Do you think wars or executions aren't murder? You don't want people stealing from you and killing you so you're going to give certain people the authority to steal from and murder you ..... that makes no fucking sense.

We the majority of society(and evidently including you) have agreed these things are wrong, and enforce our will upon those who do not. Some ofc rebel against this, and they are punished for it. but in this instance rape/murder/or you smoking a joint are no different. We the majority decided it was wrong and punishable.

There's actually a huge difference in raping or murdering someone and smoking a joint. If I rape or murder you, I'm violating your rights, because I'm doing whatever I'm doing without your consent, and against your will. If I smoke a joint, I'm voluntarily inhaling a substance into my own body. This is not a violation of anyone's rights.

point #8: My offer stands. MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE US. Id suggest somolia, but it appears like they might actually have a functioning government now(or getting close to one), but their are plenty of places to choose from still, mostly in africa(libya for example). Also note that coming off that same retarded anarchy page on wiki to a different one about "anarchism in africa" that gee africa has been anarchistic since like forever! Also note that war torn countries like afghanistan beat out the GNP of about half of african nations. Iraq around 2/3rds, Shit cuba a small island nation that we have embargoed for probably longer than you have been alive has a GNP better than half of africa. I mean countries taht are "known" shit holes compared to a "first world" country still destroy the GNP of most african nations. Ones that have actual governments and arnt in total chaos/civil war. Just really funny right? how africa is supposedly a shining example of anarchism in society, yet the characteristics of most of these countries are:rape, murder, starvation, disease, famine, etc. yet you STILL sit their trying to tell me "i dont know what im talking about". When i actually stopped to pick up a book and read it, then took a little extra time to COMPREHEND.

point #9: ok this is getting fucking old, the sad thing is i could still keep going...but one final point to you, to really drive home the "GTFO". You talk about consent ie "your manager is over you, but you can leave, thats ok!" "you dont consent to being raped, not ok!" "i dont consent to police mans authority, so not ok!". WRONG, you DO consent to it. By living in this country you consent to the authority of that country/state over you. IF YOU DO NOT THEN MOVE THE FUCK OUT. Just like you can quit a job, you can leave a country! People do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME. hence why its know as "immigrating". If you do not like that you cant smoke weed where you live, move to where you can. However if you stay their, and know it is against the rules, that you are de facto consenting to then it is still on you, NOT the "evil" police man.

"If you don't like it, GIIIIIT OUT!!! Murrica! Fuck yeah!!!!"

Your "argument", again, is ridiculous and illogical. What you're saying is "I don't consider or care about the fact that you were born wherever you were born without any choice in the matter, move to a completely different continent, or be ruled by us in every aspect of your life."

Move to another continent or be violently lorded over for your entire life doesn't really count as consent, bro. 

Good day to you in your activities of foraging and plundering and fearing.

Congrats, you proved my point. DDoS, that's the only thing they can collectively accomplish. At last lulzsec dumped shit from Sony, but making videos on YouTube and simply DDoSing sites is censorship which they are supposed to be against, such as the WikiLeaks example. You're taking through your ass, triple posting and making yourself look retarded

Did you even read what I posted? Anonymous helped people fighting against the oppressive Tunisian government, and in the U.S. during the occupy wall street protests, feds and private intelligence agencies were trying to falsely link protesters with terrorist groups, so they could be Gitmo'd under the recently passed NDAA. Chris Hedges sued the Obama administration, and information that was found in the hacked data contributed to that judges decision to rule the NDAA unconstitutional, a decision that was later overturned in appeal.

So yeah, Anonymous has done nothing but DDOS random sites. Totally ...

Staff note: Anarchy is strong with this one, however double posting is not permitted!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 12:40:19 pm by Kulverstukas »

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Re: Why good hackers make good citizens
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2014, 04:03:25 pm »
This will probably be my last response to you, as your debate "skills" are not very engaging, and your personality is not very likable. You seem to have an emotional reaction when someone criticizes government as if they were criticizing your mother's cooking or something. Don't worry, it doesn't make you special, it's extremely common.

I explained to you that Anarchy is the absence of hierarchy, explained to you what hierarchy is, and explained to you that, in human terms, the existence of hierarchy is usually very bad. If you wish to respond to my comments, perhaps you should read them and respond to them, rather than linking to a wikipedia page.

This is one of those times in your life where you're being a fucking douche bag. Is the fact that I detest violence so personally insulting to you that you have to engage in childish comments like this? It's pretty sad.

Yes, using violence to get what is wanted out of other people is always bad, and immoral, as it is a violation of their rights, and just incites more violence, or negative behaviors, of which you are no stranger to.

So you are of the opinion that humans are inherently violent. Why then should we create a hierarchy giving certain humans more opportunity to use violence against others with reduced possibility of negative repercussions? If humans are bad, why give one a badge and a gun and the authority to lock people in cages? Let me guess, people are bad so we need a government made up of people to protect us from people are bad so we need a government made up of people to protect us from people are bad so we need a government made up of people to protect us from people....

There is a lot of conflict in the universe, that's true. And there's a lot of conflict among humans. The question is, what is the best way for humans to deal with conflicts among each other? Rationally and peacefully, or irrationally and violently? It seems to me that you reject the former, and only recognize the latter. As such (combined with your inability to have a discussion without calling someone a breastmilk starved bed shitting baby) this will be my last response to you.

Generally rebellions are individuals rising up to defend their rights against people in government who are violating them. Defending yourself is entirely acceptable, violating other people's rights is not.

*citation needed

I wasn't try to explain to you how being arrested for smoking weed is equal to or worse than being raped, I was trying to explain to you, through multiple examples, of how using violence against someone and forcing them to do something without their consent is morally wrong, and a violation of their rights, no matter what, and what makes is wrong, is the element of consent. If someone voluntarily consents to something, they are choosing of their own free will, and their rights are not violated. If someone is violently forced to do something without their consent, their free will is being violated, their individual sovereignty is being violated, their rights are being violated, no matter what. I ask you to go golfing with me and you voluntarily do, your rights aren't violated. I force you to at gun point or threat of imprisonment and you do for fear of the repercussions, it's a violation of your rights. It's really that simple. Given your behavior in this thread though, I can see how you might have trouble understanding it.

"But who will build the roads? How will we have ANYTHING without the government providing it for us? I just can't even imagine. Oh the horror! Curse my limited imagination and closed mind!!!"

Stop posting like a chimpanzee that just had it's banana taken away.

You say you have a say in the matter in a Democracy? Do you really? What if you were to say you want no part of it and you don't consent to following it's outcomes? Would that matter? Of course it wouldn't. You're fucking delusional. The government doesn't represent you and you have absolutely no say at all. Your opinions, wishes, and desires mean jack fucking shit.

What I think and say and do absolutely does matter, it matters in my own life, and matters to myself. If I want to buy a farm from someone that wants to sell me one and pretend I'm Old McDonald, I can do that. If I want to swim in the ocean and sleep on the sandy beach, I can do that. If I want to go kidnap and rape someone though, I can't do that, because that person has things that they want to do in their life. I can't do anything to anyone without their consent. You apparently don't have respect for other people in this way. All you care about is government maintaining dominance over exploited citizens. All you care about is sacrificing yourself and others for your masters. Do you recognize that this human trait that you cling to is inherited from the great apes? We humans are apes, of course, and we still have this behavior. This tribalism. It's unbecoming, and you should really just let it go.

Did you ever see 2001: A Space Odyssey? If so, do you remember the opening scene with the two groups of monkeys? It's this one here ...

What you should do is just imagine the black monolith as an advancement in technology, and imagine there's a shit load more monkeys, more groups of monkeys, and instead of bones, the technology is computers and drones and all sorts of advanced things. That's pretty much us humans here and now on Earth, and insead of realizing that we're all just one species on a little rock out in the middle of nowhere in space among an infinite amount of possibilities, we separate ourselves into groups and convince ourselves that all the other monkeys in all the other groups want to come kill us all.

FUCKING DROP IT. You're doing just that shit right here in this very thread. You're a fucking monkey dumb ass, drop it. We humans are all one species, we all do the same stupid fucking bullshit, fall victim to the same stupid bullshit thoughts and beliefs, and by doing whatever we can to fuck other monkeys into the dirt before they fuck us into the dirt, all we're doing is fucking each other to death into the dirt, and fucking the dirt itself with our polluted and traumatized selves. We go about doing whatever it takes to please the me in the here and now and don't give a fuck at all about what the ramifications are for other people, animals, and the Earth. It's time to move beyond being fucking monkeys. It's past 2001.

The government steals shit, and murders people all the time. That's actually a pretty close summarization of everything government does. Do you think taxes aren't theft? Do you think wars or executions aren't murder? You don't want people stealing from you and killing you so you're going to give certain people the authority to steal from and murder you ..... that makes no fucking sense.

There's actually a huge difference in raping or murdering someone and smoking a joint. If I rape or murder you, I'm violating your rights, because I'm doing whatever I'm doing without your consent, and against your will. If I smoke a joint, I'm voluntarily inhaling a substance into my own body. This is not a violation of anyone's rights.

"If you don't like it, GIIIIIT OUT!!! Murrica! Fuck yeah!!!!"

Your "argument", again, is ridiculous and illogical. What you're saying is "I don't consider or care about the fact that you were born wherever you were born without any choice in the matter, move to a completely different continent, or be ruled by us in every aspect of your life."

Move to another continent or be violently lorded over for your entire life doesn't really count as consent, bro. 

Good day to you in your activities of foraging and plundering and fearing.

Did you even read what I posted? Anonymous helped people fighting against the oppressive Tunisian government, and in the U.S. during the occupy wall street protests, feds and private intelligence agencies were trying to falsely link protesters with terrorist groups, so they could be Gitmo'd under the recently passed NDAA. Chris Hedges sued the Obama administration, and information that was found in the hacked data contributed to that judges decision to rule the NDAA unconstitutional, a decision that was later overturned in appeal.

So yeah, Anonymous has done nothing but DDOS random sites. Totally ...

Staff note: Anarchy is strong with this one, however double posting is not permitted!
Instead of addressing this piece by piece etc ill do it in one lump, mainly because im just waking up.
First:yes i laugh in your face, this makes me mean. However perhaps if you didnt run around being a dickhead first, others wouldnt do the same to you. As you seem to think its ok to do to others, i have done unto you. Dont like it? stop being a douchebag.

second: *citation needed*. LAWL for three posts now ive tried to get you, a supposed hacker to actually go out and do some research. Why should i provide mine? ANYTHING ive posted is easily found in 30 seconds on a search engine. Try "number of deaths wars vs rebelion" or anything similar to it. "anarchy in (insert country)" etc etc etc. You dont like my "opinions" but they are fact. you know like gravity is a fact. humans are animals.

third:Humans are ANIMALS. We dont make sense. We like any other animal are territorial, you fuck with what i consider my territory i will fucking kill you. Same as any other beast of the jungle. The fact that you ignore human nature and respond to fact with "well gee wouldnt it be nice if we didnt" proves my point, AGAIN. Wishing for fucking rainbows and unicorns or humans to stop being violent or to be on top is just that a fucking wish. Any system of governance, or non governance that relys on humans not being human will fail because of plain old human nature. The sooner you get through your head that you cant beat human nature, the sooner you will apply your brain to something useful.

fourth: this isnt a debate or an argument. These are simply facts that you are to blind/stupid/brainwashed to understand.

fifth: just because i call you an idiot, moron, etc does not mean i am angry. im not, i simply chose to write in a striking manner to maybe pierce that dense skull of yours. It really doesnt effect me if you go through the rest of your life sounding like a retard, but because im a nice guy i figured id give you a chance not to be one. Dont worry ill stop trying after this.

sixth:You really need to stop and analyse what you are saying as its obvious anyone elses words ment to make you do that is not going to work. However the last thing i will say on this is well this:violence begets violence. How does one stop someone that is violent without violence. In your system of governance we not only dont have a place or authority capable of killing off those murderers and rapists you hate so, we dont even have anyone to catch them, nor any laws to impose our will on them with. In other words anarchy=a dog eat dog world, without the veil of polite society, the fact that you still fail to comprehend what that means is astounding, but i tell you it terrifies the fuck out of me.

lucky #7:fuck it i couldnt stop. I like how through out this you continue to make everything about you. "i dont like america, government, laws etc". I do. Yet somehow you think that your "right" to not have them is greater than my right to have them. in other words you are placing yourself above me. Isnt that against your idiotic ideology? ofc you wont see it this way, but thats because your selfish. 
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