Author Topic: Ubuntu things  (Read 2337 times)

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Re: Ubuntu things
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2014, 10:51:31 pm »
iptables set this way:

sudo iptables -P INPUT   DROP
sudo iptables -P FORWARD   DROP
sudo iptables -A INPUT  -i lo -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

Mobile connection by internet Key

Nobody will reach your data.
If i am wrong proove it to me.

[Unless you go in Internet by clicking everything :) of course.]
Am I to understand this as you saying that the above rules posted are enough to keep out attackers? Because, if that's the case, I promise you are wrong. Already you are allowing any incoming traffic from localhost by default. This is a pretty easily exploitable hole when spoofing is taken into consideration.
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Re: Ubuntu things
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2014, 03:47:15 am »
Regarding Ubuntu: It's shit. I hope I don't offend many people and I don't mean to start shit but, honestly, get a new OS that respects your privacy.
Regarding bumping old threads, aka gravedigging: As long as your posts are relevant or useful or both, it's okay. As long as it's not like a 4 month old thread and even then there are exceptions.

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Re: Ubuntu things
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2014, 10:34:10 am »
Am I to understand this as you saying that the above rules posted are enough to keep out attackers? Because, if that's the case, I promise you are wrong. Already you are allowing any incoming traffic from localhost by default. This is a pretty easily exploitable hole when spoofing is taken into consideration.

i know that a safe computer is a computer turned off. There' a little problem with this: a turned off computer is useless :D
There's a remote possibility someone can access my files, but it's very remote. For example my ip is not my real ip, try to nmap it, you are not nmap-ing me but my provider.

Regarding Ubuntu: It's shit. I hope I don't offend many people and I don't mean to start shit but, honestly, get a new OS that respects your privacy.
Regarding bumping old threads, aka gravedigging: As long as your posts are relevant or useful or both, it's okay. As long as it's not like a 4 month old thread and even then there are exceptions.

To me Ubuntu its' ok, dont worry you dont offend me in any way :)

I have only one doubt about it and my privacy, it's about mail: Thunderbird (i think this is Ubuntu mail service like win outlook), i am not sure where thunderbird connect and to who it could send information.
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Re: Ubuntu things
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2014, 11:24:58 am »
This is a link this thread needed a while ago.

Hardening a system is another topic, which as also been discussed on EZ. This thread is old and nothing what OP wants that hasn't been stated before.

>>>import this