Author Topic: Kali Linux Metasploit broken by Lazykali script?  (Read 576 times)

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Kali Linux Metasploit broken by Lazykali script?
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:38:03 am »
Ok, this has me a little perturbed. I load up my VMware Kali machine and can no longer access the msfconsole, turn the metasploit service on( although postgresql still responds). When I type 'service metasploit start', nothing happens. No error message telling me that it isn't a recognized service, nothing. I'm simply just presented with about "kali@root" line in the terminal. When I type msfconsole it errors out with
Code: [Select]
git:// (at master) is not checked out. Please run 'bundle install' so I run bundle install, which I did in the metasploit directory, it originally could not find the gemfile but I corrected that. Whenever I do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade  it informs me that metasploit will be removed( which never happens or I would simply re-install).

All of this started after I installed the XSSF module from LazyKali and used the LazyKali script to set postgresql and metasploit to run on startup. How the fuck do I fix this? lol

I'm not particularly fond of metasploit but I thought I'd just fool around with it against another virtual machine, but now that I've encountered this error and cannot find any relevant solutions on google I'm going out on a limb asking you guys.

EDIT: I decided to simply create another Kali VM on my desktop, but this issue still persists on my laptop-- might just migrate my current VM to my laptop. Close this topic if you feel it is appropriate to do so, but I have yet to see anyone resolve this issue yet.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 01:23:17 am by Iron_Felix »

This is obviously a troll thread. If not, then you're inconceivably autistic if you think you can even begin to do this.