And fuck you RB (L)
Hail EZ
Who died and left ProxX gmod. Must have been a drunkard skunk. Hello girl, your cyber murders have no limits; congrats Deque, please hack ProxX with a toothbrush if he ever touches my posts. And i swear i will proxy all you dirty mail through my Bloody Mary Mitm death attack.
Never mind, you have no server access, just a regular user with alot of work plus the power to scrub our litter. Good thing you have Deque to give you afew pointers about cleaning up.
Hey new guy, could you change my Uname to "Anti-ProxX Gmod". Wait you can't do that! HAHAHAHHA
Best of luck. I will be here when you give up mate. God i am gonna have alot of fun. So dearly hope you don't have full OP on IRC.