Hello, I am quite new to this site and hacking in general. I have been trying to read as much as I can from this website, which is actually quite great so far, but it seems as though its not helping me as a person. I am currently learning c++ and java, and have little to no programming other than that. What I would like to ask, is, is the time spent becoming a hacker worth it? I always wanted to be a hacker, but to be honest, I don't know if i have the willpower to continue to learn, and juggle school as well. After I become fluent is programming, I understand there is a lot to learn after that, and wanted to know what its like actually BEING a hacker to know what I'm getting into. This site has been helpful so far, but I feel as though I don't truly know where to look after my programming classes, to eb able to hack. Any help? Also, thanks again.